What’s the Scariest Sound You Will Ever Hear? – IOTW Report

What’s the Scariest Sound You Will Ever Hear?

Great story. Great political ad.

29 Comments on What’s the Scariest Sound You Will Ever Hear?

  1. Yeah, Crenshaw sure could talk the talk. He may even have been sincere initially but I do firmly believe that government service corrupts an overwhelming majority of those that attain office.

  2. I’d vote for him if I lived in Virginia in a heartbeat. May God bless the Vietnamese Americans who fled communism in 1975 and know more the evils of communism and the freedom that we have in America than most American citizens do, especially younger Americans who don’t know the true history of that damned war that we should’ve won. I am a US Navy Vietnam vet, not a combat vet but one who saw firsthand the end of that damned war in 1975 when the Kitty Hawk was the first US aircraft carrier in that area right after S. Vietnam and Saigon fell to the N. Vietnamese commies in April and May of 1975. We could’ve made up a difference in ending that war but weren’t allowed to by the democraps, especially that lousy bastard Frank Church democrap US Seantor from Idaho who wouldn’t allow us to win that war.

  3. The first scariest sound, “THUD, THUD, THUD”, on your door.
    The second scariest sound? “We’re from the Gooberment, we’re here to help.”

  4. Big deal, another do nothing, claiming he’s the change needed. Will he vote to disband the FBI, ATF, Secret Service and the IRS. Hell NO he won’t, he just wants to continue to feed at the trough.

  5. He makes me think of a good friend of mine up in Prescott Valley AZ Quang Nguyen who is now a rep in the state legislature district one. He’s more American than most people I meet, a hard core patriot. His daughter also graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy!

  6. Really great political ad. He seems really sincere and a solid conservative. Sad part – most Ameeixan Millennials and Gen Z are socialists and probably won’t vote for him.

  7. What a difference he is from the Muslim that was rescued from her shit hole in Africa, only to be voted in to Congress and denigrates the same country and institutions that saved her black ass


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