I was just talking to Tammy (nator) and she said it’s 26 degrees… below zero where she is.
Don’t appendages break off in that temperature, like fingers, toes… and worse?
Serious question – does the furnace ever shut off when it’s that temperature, or does it run constantly?
(UPDATE: It’s actually twenty-FOUR degrees below zero. Thank God.)
So, what’s the temperature outside where you are right now?
It’s 76 here.
New Braunfels, Texas and it’s 50 and misting.
Mid sixties, but I’m bundled up well.
I’m ready for natures worse.
That’s with wind chill, Fur. I just checked, and the actual temp is 3 below, with wind chill of -21
We’re getting a heat wave! I’m putting on my shorts!
I have the ceiling fan on with no shirt.
I’m not rubbing it in, because when I lived in NY I hated when friends in the south did that.
I miss things about NY, but not the weather.
It’s 22 at my old house right now.
No thanks.
-33 Celsius or -23 f when I got up with wind chill warning
31 degrees just south of the Red River in Texas
23 degrees here in NY’s Scenic Hudson Valley, and we had a white Christmas yesterday after Christmas Eve thunder snow overnight! I’m still recovering from surgeries so am mostly stuck in bed, but the kids and dogs went out to play and had lots of fun!
Oh, 3 below? Thank Goodness.
Is it a dry wind?
Upper 20s.
Above zero, that is.
I used to frame houses in -40F. Got up to 0 around noon. We could take our coats off.
Back in a previous life I spent several years in the Arctic. Coldest actual temp I saw was -76F. Fortunately it wasn’t too windy. Another time we spent three consecutive days working outside during a blow and we had wind chills of -110F all three days. 40 degrees and rain in Western Washington seem balmy by comparison.
It’s a balmy 0 over here
Does the furnace ever shut off when it’s this cold? That depends on many variables, including the R-factor (insulation) of the house, air tightness of the house, area of windows and doors, wind and sun, capacity in BTU of the furnace etc.
Currently it is 9F in the sunshine here. The forecast highs for the next 6 days are 1, -4, -6, 1, 1, and 0F. Forecast nightly lows are all -15, -17, -9, -11, and 13F
-3° when I got up 7am. Balmy 10° right now in SE Mich.
about 2 above in SE WI, outside of Milwonky.
5° F ambient temp (no wind chill)
Western Kansas
When I lived in the Colorado Rockies there were a couple months when the wood stove went 24/7. Even then the pipes froze a few times. That’s one reason I left. Spent too much time in the summer splitting wood.
11 F in Colorado Springs. And a bit of fluffy snow, with winds of 6mph out of the SSE.
Low 30s here. I hate cold weather and would probably freeze to death if it was 20 something below.
A pleasant and balmy 14F with a wind chill of 0. Come on up for a visit. Frigid, like Killery’s heart.
Yes, it’s a dry wind, Fur. If it was a wet wind it would be snowing.
I hate this crap.
Forgot to mention the crap load of snow. As for the furnaces, they run and run. Thank God we run off our own gas well or we might be broke.
59 in sunny Scottsdale. I’ll probably have the convertible top down as I run my errands
18 here and my dads furnace went out yesterday. This is why you ( me ) buys those electric heaters when they clearance them out when the spring stuff hits the shelves. Let’s just say he was thankful I did. Would love to put ina wood burning stove here, but not feasible.
It is no fun being cold. We had all five kids sleep in the living room with us when we lost heat one time. That is not fun I tell ya.
73 here on the Gulf coast.
My old stomping ground, a little south of Copper Harbor, 1 degree, wind chill -19, 75.7 inches of snow since October…. it’s a dry snow.
Dang, also forgot to mention northeast Ohio snowbelt. Why the Hell did I move from NC to this place?
-40° Fahrenheit? Really? Are you sure it isn’t -40° Celsius? (-;
Cloudy and 52 degrees down here in the swamp.
48 in B’ham but the sun is shining which helps–but “weather mischief” arrives tomorrow.
It was -5 when I got up this morning. 3 degrees now at noon. Sunny. Northeast NE.
It was 30 earlier today but now is down to 23 with chill factor at 9 degrees. Good day to stay in and I cannot imagine -24!
Forgot to say I live at the bottom of the Texas panhandle.
Back when I lived in Iowa, when it got really cold, like -10F, I’d get up early on weekend mornings, don a snow suit, head out to the local hiking areas and go on 6-9 mile hikes. It was great. I’d have the entire woods to myself, and the view was pretty cool. Plus I’d feel all manly man and shit.
56 and foggy in Long Beach
-18 with a wind chill of -25 before light this morning. Now it’s blindly sunny and -10, here in NW Wisconsin.
The water froze up today so I’ve made four trips so far out to the pump house to turn the thermostat up on the base board heater in there. This last trip I took a small electric heater to help things along. I’m expecting water any minute now.
Sunny 40 up here in the Rockies.
Groucho Marxist-I also live just south of the Red River. Hello, neighbor.
My daughter lives in Thompson Manitoba right now it’s -23 with -43 wind chill
Here it’s just -1 and -17 wind chill in the twin cities
Southern Indiana’s at 29 degrees with a chance of snow later in the week. Bit nippy. 🙂
34 here in Seattle. we still have 1.5 inches of snow on the ground. We had 3 inches fall Christmas eve and into Christmas day, Lovely spent the whole day in PJ’s.
50f a sunny here in the backwater.
I’m really looking forward to March.
Eugenia you have your own gas well or a tank?
35 in dc
I woke up to twelve degrees in Syracuse. Right now it’s brisk, sunny sixteen. The remainder of the week will be in single-digits.
Thanks to Lupus this weather makes my fingertips turn blue and white. So I’m not sure how many more winters I’ll endure before I leave for a warmer climate.
Colder than a witch’s tit in a brass bra.
Putting on the sun screen, hanging on the beach in San Diego. Getting warmer. Time to hit the ocean and cool off.
Is that mean?
Currently 32 in the peoples republic of maryland.
I’m in the garage working on my car. I have space heaters on trying to make it comfortable.
Forecast is progressively colder until Jan 1st low in the single digits.
When I first moved to MN, around Christmas it was 40 below zero one night. The next morning it was about 30 below. I got in the car to go to work, the seat had no give. I even think the tires were frozen in the shape they were where the part that was on the ground remained flat as I drove! Sounded and felt like driving a tank, but it survived. That was the coldest I’ve ever felt.
Now that I’m in Michigan, it’s snow snow snow, but the temp is 12 degrees. I’m happy!
It’s sunny and 56 from a small rebel outpost in occupied Northern California.
Currently 49 in the Atlanta area. Same as Corky with some nastiness (rain, sleet, freezing rain) predicted for tomorrow into Thursday.
Hey jethro at least im not the only one on here from the peoples republic, its still livable here on somd
It’s all about global warming here in California. 65deg. and playing golf in shorts tomorrow with some useful idiots.
1-above here in Delafield WI. Got down to minus-11 overnight; wind-chills in the high-teens below zero.
63 and sunny in Mesa, Az.
15 in Ohio and our wonderful weather people told us how it “feels” outside! And let’s not forget if you go sledding the faster you go the colder it “feels”! No joke!
It’s 16 degrees in Spokane right now which is not too bad. It could be far worse, during the Winter of 1968-69 we had at least 5-6 ft. of snow on the ground and it stayed far below zero for nearly a month after Christmas that yr. It got as cold as 30 below during Jan. 1969 and one Sat. morning when the Sun was shining brightly and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and it was about 15-20 degrees below zero myself and most of the neighborhood guys got together and played football at the the local park, we were all 15-16 yrs. old at the time and had a blast as long as we kept moving and running around which lasted for about an hr. or so till we finally gave up.
Anonymous was me, sometimes the column below stays blank for whatever reason until I catch it.
geoff the aardvark, it’s surprising how much cold you can tolerate when it’s sunny and no wind. That football game would have been fun.
It was -11 F this morning, currently -3 F, in Chippewa Falls, WI where I am now.
It is 15 at home, a little warmer, but they also got 54-inches of lake effect snow the last 2 days, so we are glad we are here, and not back home.
31 degrees and sunny here an hour or so northeast of Seattle. Woke up to 5 inches of snow on Christmas Day-unheard of in these parts. Did my cardio for the day-shoveled our steep driveway. It was kinda fun!
(I know…I know…)
The worst thing was wearing canvas Converse high top Chuck Taylors. Those damn things have no insulation and boy did my feet get cold but when you’re 15 you don’t think about that except that it was fun. And the 2 Winters I spent in San Diego and one overseas didn’t make me miss Winter a bit till I got home.
Mr. Illustr8r grew up in Fairbanks AK. He used to play hockey outdoors and they’d call the game if it dipped below -20. People would come to the games and sit in the stands. I can’t even…?!?
@ Matty,
We used to live in Southern PG, then Northern St. Mary’s… Do not miss it at all and ready to get out of the Commonwealth.
40 and sunny here in Central VA….. still too cold for me.
“Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell
I got curious as to the weather in places I used to live:
Japan is the coldest at 37 (right now).
60 in Santa Fe. A little warm for this time of year. (Not a complaint!!)
57 degrees and damp in the Gulf of Mexico, near Texas.
-7F at 3:20pm. Sunny and not a cloud in the sky!
Scanning the above reports, it looks like BFH has the high with 76°, with Zonga next at 73°. I’m in the same county she’s in and I just noticed that it has warmed here to 75°. Time for the A/C!
Fur, thought I’d respond to your question: “Don’t appendages break off in that temperature, like fingers, toes… and worse?”
No, but your snot freezes below zero. Had a friend visit me in MN from England and was worried that something was wrong with her nose. It was 10 below and she came back in the house just as she was going out with some friends because she wanted to ask me if she needed to see a doctor. Try as hard as I could, I still laughed.
It really doesn’t matter, since global warming is going to kill us all…
Late to the party, but here it is currently 0. Wind is up, though, so it does feel much colder. Forecast for -17 by tomorrow morning. The beginning of a bit of a cold spell.
It was a beautiful, sunny day with lots of snow on the ground. Glad I don’t do the Boxing Day shopping like so many do here in Canada.
P.S. I love these kinds of posts.
76 F
10-15 MPH Wind… I laid 200 Block in the Florida Keys Today
and didn’t even sweat….Noseeums still attacked Me with a
vengeance though…mostly on My eyelids and inner ears..
Bcattin, that’s one good thing about 0 degrees, bugs aren’t a problem.
It hovered around -2 all day here, it wasn’t unbearable, but none of the equipment was happy (everything’s diesel) and I had icicles in my beard and mustache all day.
Buddy of mine just tagged Me in an FB post showing a car under
3 feet of snow ..Tagline “At least there are no bugs”
ain’t sure about the temperature, but I tried to let my dog out & it looked up to me & said, “un uh, I’ll just crap on the floor & risk the beating”
Visiting Mom in NE Ohio (right on the lake). 13 degrees and 22 inches of snow Christmas Day….good times 50 years ago.
Baby it’s cold outside!
Oh! Sorry Tamminator, I din’t mean nuthin by that … honest!
izlamo delenda est …
I was in IOWA and it was so cold, the car made no noise what-so-ever when I turned the key.
Friend had an oil pan heater, plugged that in, took out the battery, and brought it inside for about 4 hours.
WIND. That 35MPH wind blowing across empty corn fields made the already below zero temperature become a cold I never thought possible.
S. Texas wind chill of 38F. That means no sweating, scorpions, rattlers or southerly wind blowing Mexican pollution and Eagle Ford Shale VOCs into our area. Only massive quantities of ash juniper pollen.
IMHO there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing, bad shelter and bad preparation; all remediable.
Where I am? Let’s just say cold. Really friggin’ cold.
We had about 42C (107F) here in sleepy old Blanchetown yesterday. In the shade.
Warmish but it’ll get hotter before the Oz summer is over.