What’s This? – IOTW Report

What’s This?

Sent in by, of course, Cynic.

What is this?

See here.

42 Comments on What’s This?

  1. Joe Biden’s brain droppings … when it starts to ossify it comes out any available bodily orifice

    the Secret Service has been ordered to collect it for the Joe Biden Library Comic Book Collection at the Wilmington Mall

    (I read it on Twitter after I Googled it … so, obviously it’s true)

  2. Semi dried figs on a paper towel? OR dried beesWAX…say again?

    I caaaaaan’t heeear youuuu.

    Imagine having to bee with that one…and can you imagine what he heard after the clearing…

  3. A couple of priests in the Catholic church have gone rogue and are telling the truth.
    One in Wisconsin says you cannot be a catholic and be a democrat.
    The other, in Colorado, says the virus is a scamdemic and we’re being lied to and that parishoners should not wear a mask and should disobey any bishop or governor that tries to make you wear one.
    Of course those above them are trying to silence them as we speak. But another Bishop in Tx is backing that priest in Wisconsin.

    Best thing i’ve seen in the catholic church in my life. Some priests that will tell faithful that they are being lied to on a massive scale by the heirarchy.

    I’ve done a lot of reevaluating in the last six months and i just can’t stomach any church that is a mouthpiece for gov’t lies. And there are legions of churches who act in that capacity. The church i attended until march for one. They are now in my rear view mirror.

    Another thing i especially can’t stand is a minister who get behind the pulpit and scrunches up his face and tells you how evil racism is, but won’t utter a single word against homosexuality. They’re preaching to itching ears. They couldn’t care less what the bible says. Run from those churches.

  4. …I had this stroke patient once that I had to suction crap that looked like sort of that out of his throat, all chunky and waxy, kind of flaky but a bit more meaty. We had these portable Laerdal units with clear, hard plastic suction wands, and you could watch the chunkage pretty much all the way to the collection bag, and it wasn’t pretty.. At the time I figured he’d regurgitated some Manwich or something and his digestive juices had just blanched the redness out, but now I’m not so sure.

    The eustachian tunes DO connect with the back of the throat, after all…

  5. Uncle Al
    SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 AT 10:21 PM
    ““eustachian tunes” — ♫♪ La-la-la-SNRRRKKKK-la-la ♫♪

    Great, first rate, never-to-be-repeated typo, @Super!”

    …play that chunky music, Puke boy?

    @#$%&$##@÷ spell check….

  6. Uncle Al
    SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 AT 10:21 PM

    …true story, but not very musical…

    …when I was a TKD yellow belt a 2 Dan Black belt used me for his target dummy for a crescent kick. My relexes were kind of sucky at that training level and the kick is designed to be difficult to see anyway, plus this guy wasn’t using the control that would befit his status, so he broke part of my cheekbone with his heel.

    I have a hard head and a thick skull so I mostly shrugged it off, but later on I went home and blew my nose, only to see my forehead blimp up like a balloon.

    I was a bit concerned at this point, so off to Urgent care, and the bidding ER doc was wowed by my ability to inflate my face, so he took some fancy pictures and told me I had broken just enough bone to connect my schnozz to a sinus cavity that routed to just over my eye.

    He also said they couldn’t do nothing, it would heal, but no nose-blowing till it did.

    So a whole evening wasted, my face looking like the Disney version of the Hunchback of Notre Dame, and then I kept having to swear affidavits about why there was no police report for a violent attack, plus they couldn’t come after the dojang because I’d signed a liability waiver.

    So odd things happen when faces break, so hard telling what tunes may be coming out of next…

  7. @Harald Baldr
    The Catholic church has been bought and paid, just like much of the government.

    If you are looking for a new home, start from the bottom up. Find some friends that don’t seize up on the topic. “Wherever two or more are gathered in his name……”
    I always tell people, “It’s better to be in the boat thinking about Jesus, than sitting in church, thinking about fishing.”

  8. Dan Ryan Galt
    SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 AT 10:22 PM
    “Thanks for that visual Super. I may skip my next few meals….for a month”

    ..you know, one thing I never got completely inured to no matter how many times I heard it was the sound if chunky vomit hitting the inside of a trash bag.

    That, and the smell, always made me want to puke myself, even though I never did.

    Some guys used a little Vasoline on the upper lip in the theory that it would overpower the smell of the vomit, but I tried it once and found I hated the smell of Vasoline and was CERTAINLY not up for smelling it for a 12 hour shift, because it wasn’t like you could take the time on-scene to apply it when you roll up on someone choking on their own puke, plus it made my moustache look like I had Fonzie’s toupee plastered under my names, so I wasn’t gonna do that.

    Puke smell was kind of dependant on what was for dinner, with fish vomit being the worst conventional vomit I ever smelled, but all bets were off if digested blood was involved, because THAT shit’s the WORST, so of COURSE I got it all the time, the most recently when the hospital tried to kill my son just last year.

    You see, if you have a bleeding ulcer into your stomach you can get blood in there obviously, but it was sufficient if you had a moderate volume throatt, mouth, or even nosebleed that you snuffled back down your throat, or, like my son, you had facial surgery and swallowed blood during the surgery.

    The thing is, the stomach does NOT tolerate human blood at ALL well, not even your OWN, something about the iron in it, so what goes down in sufficient quantities WILL come UP pretty soon, but the stomach acid interacts to make an indescribably BAD smell that permeates your clothes and sticks with you even after you break contact, kind of like the smell of human mortality you get wafting from corpses that the lowest part of your brain identifies as sonething VERY bad on a visceral level.

    …so its a feast for ALL the senses, not JUST the visual, although this PARTICULAR patient’s vomitus oddly didn’t smell at ALL, although my concentration was broken somewhat when the cops started rolling around on the floor with his drug-dealing son that they used us…without TELLING us…as an excuse to get in for free ’cause they were looking for the dude, but that’s a different story for another day…

  9. …but imagine if this was on one of those disposable cloth roll-around stainless steel tables at your girlfriend’s gynecologist’s office and you caught sight of it just as he was emerging from between her stirrups with MORE…

  10. Cmn(centcent)guy — I love your idea. And I love “I always tell people, “It’s better to be in the boat thinking about Jesus, than sitting in church, thinking about fishing.””

    I’m stealing that.

  11. Hanoverfist – my wife and I shitcanned all our Skanky Candles and switched over to Colonial Candles. Better fragrance, lasts longer, no soot

    Ever since Skanky Candles got bought out by corporate amerika Newell Brands the quality plumetted and the prices skyrocketed. I hear that YC’s headquarters in Mass is infested with a cabal of Trump hating libtards too. It’s a wretched hive of scum & villainy

    Someone should start a Confederate Candles just to say Fuck You to the PC fascists

  12. MJA
    SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 AT 10:33 PM
    “*pushes back plate*
    Fuck it. I wasn’t hungry anyway.”

    Aren’t you diabetic?

    Maybe you shouldn’t read threads like this, for your own health…


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