What’s up with this weird green rock on Mars? – IOTW Report

What’s up with this weird green rock on Mars?

Perseverance rover is trying to find out.

34 Comments on What’s up with this weird green rock on Mars?

  1. Could someone splain why the navajo nation is involved with Mars nomenclature? Really! Is this similar to muzzie outreach or is nasa celebrating the navajos contributions to science?

  2. We’ve nailed down to one of these:

    Dehydrated Martian.

    The source of The Blob

    Martian gum wad after a few thousand years.

    Dr. Seuss’ left over breakfast. Look around, you might find some ham too.

  3. Obviously the resulting concinquitacation of the mini-turbo-encapulator that went mega-critical from the quantum-dynamic superstring interactions with the Weak and Strong forces appurtenant to the nuclear fibrillizors.

    Everybody knows that!


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