What’s With Hillary? – IOTW Report

What’s With Hillary?

ht/ wait for it

40 Comments on What’s With Hillary?

  1. How in Hell is she going to do a nationwide stadium tour wearing a back-brace and coughing up her lungs?

    Stadium? She couldn’t fill a stadium if she brought Barry White back from the dead.

  2. I’m guessing she’s looking to sign a contract with an NFL team as an inside linebacker based on those shoulder pads… “Foster is taken down on the three yard line with a shot to the back of the head by Clinton!!!”

  3. The President Elect is slowly morphing into a cross between Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Joan Crawford. In two years, she will be ready to really kick the daylights out of that imposter who got elected with the help of all those Macedonian Content Farmers.

  4. It’s probably disc trouble and osteoporosis of the elderly female hildabeast. She’s wearing her husband’s sport coat over a back brace, most likely. She’s likely happy she didn’t win!

  5. $400 Million – and it STILL ain’t enough!
    WTF is wrong with these people?

    Traitor, Coward, Murderer, Drug Runner, Liar, Thief, Corrupter of Women, Pervert, Protector of Rapists, Lying Thief, and Thieving Liar – sold our nation’s secrets and Uranium reserves – and just can’t go home, swill a gallon of Vodka, and let Huma clean her carpet.

    Satan WILL have his due.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I heard on the radio the least expensive tickets to one of her and Bill’s tour events is $72. So she wouldn’t bother to visit half the country when running for potus but she’ll go grace them with her presence for the mere fee of $72 and up. All because she can no longer fleece a Saudi sheik or Russian oligarch.

  7. Well Trump is deeply involved with world events, North Korea, NATO, Supreme Court, U.N.

    Hillary is busy with: Costco book signings, cameos, sit-downs with nobodies, and now an American tour with her rapey husband. –Man what a fall from grace…

  8. Hans, the question is DID Bill EVER hit “it”.
    So how many people will they pay to sit and listen to her regurgitate What Happened? Can’t wait till they address the #MeToo movement as it relates to Billy boy too.

    Is she morphing into Steven Hawking without the intellect?

  9. If the button on that smock pops off, three midgets who are standing on each other’s shoulders are going to fall out.

    She looks like she was roused from her coffin to score a paycheck. All that’s missing is Dracula’s gold medallion dangling from a red ribbon around her chicken neck.

    FFS, at a certain point hasn’t she made enough money? The 4th Circle of Hell awaits after a whirlwind tour of the other eight.

    At first, I wanted her locked up. Now I think the only thing to stop her is a wooden stake and garlic.


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