What’s Wrong With Maxine??? – IOTW Report

What’s Wrong With Maxine???

P.S.: Rep. Maxine Waters tests positive for COVID for second time this year after attending Summit of the Americas

Tweet link h/t Brad.

26 Comments on What’s Wrong With Maxine???

  1. Somebody please explain:

    Whether someone tests positive for anything is protected health information under HIPAA. What is with these constant worldwide public announcements in the media of this or that person testing positive on the bogus and unreliable pcr covid test for covid?

  2. Janitor,


    This incessant announcing does very little except keep people fearful.
    When HIV was prevalent you were derided for publicizing in the news that a prominent figure had it. Now people rush to announce, with different agendas.
    We publish it when maskers and vaxxers catch it for obvious reasons.

  3. If Covid is so serious, why aren’t the politicians and bureaucrats kicking off in higher numbers? Being Hillary Clinton’s enemy seems to be more dangerous.

  4. @Janitor: Welp, we can add Fauki Fauci to the list of covid recipients. His symptoms are mild like Maxine’s. BTW, Old Max better watch it, her sister died from covid, it runs in the family I hear.

  5. yeah and ‘suddenly’ the violence-promoting Waters woman and several other sinister politicians including the Mini Mengele Fauci are getting covid. Their sinister money-grubbing selves are gearing up for something (again) against the American people.

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