When A Clump Is Not A Clump – IOTW Report

When A Clump Is Not A Clump

Autonomous Life in the Womb

What is “embryonic autonomy,” you ask? According to a recent study, titled “Self-organization of the human embryo in the absence of maternal tissues,” human embryos from the earliest stages of life can direct their own development—in or out of the womb.  Why is this important? Here’s how Dumitru, who is a fifth-year M.D./Ph.D. candidate at Dartmouth, explains it:

“(Embroys) don’t behave like clumps of cells. Instead, they appear to act independently, or autonomously, of any signals from the mother’s body, whether in or out of the womb. And “clumps” don’t do that.”

“That means, as we suspected, embryos know what they’re supposed to do to live, and they try to live, whether they’re in their mother or not.”

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I think it’s quite simple. If your mother had aborted you at ANY point during her pregnancy, you wouldn’t be here. That tells me when life begins.  -Arpiem

10 Comments on When A Clump Is Not A Clump

  1. It always helps when you have the truth on your side.

    Nothing grows if it’s not living.

    How about ‘my body, my choice’?
    So, the fetus has a different DNA structure than the mother. You go ahead and take any part of my body, and the DNA will match the rest of my body.

  2. If I was to believe in clumps, then I can say there are many clumps out there protesting for many lost causes.
    They’re just misunderstood clumps.

  3. The left makes huge amounts of money on illegal acts, like selling baby parts. Go after the buyers and sellers without discussing the morality. Libs have no morality therefore they accept no legitimate argument even if it’s scientific. In other words we catch them at buying and selling illegal “goods” with no mention of “abortion” a word that sets off their insanity.

  4. They know they’re murdering – sorry – killing (isn’t murder if it’s legal, is it?) their children (and they know that they’re their children, not “clumps” of cells – no one is THAT fucking dumb) but they just don’t give a fuck. Once one embraces nihilism and convinces oneself that there is no resurrection – no life after death – no God – then every abominable thing is allowed – indeed – encouraged – and the killing of one’s own children is the ultimate test of that belief. Abortion has become an initiation rite, a passage rite, a certification, if you will, of the would-be mothers’ bona fide in the ranks of the atheistic nihilists. Reject God, embrace atheism/nihilism, and it is only a small step to the worship of Satan – or Socialism – or izlam – or whatever repellent systematized hatred one chooses.

    Believers in “choice” my ass.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. There is a science museum in Portland, OR (OMSI) that has “real” specimens of babies throughout the months of gestation on display. From the few days of gestation all the way through to full grown. Taking a look at these babies in the different stages made it extremely clear that the “thing” was a baby. Not a clump, or a tumor, or a puppy…it was a baby! No doubt about it!

    The real strange thing about my trip to the museum was that it was a field-trip for my daughter’s class. It was also a “sleep-over” and we actually slept on the floor of the museum. There were children that chose that room to sleep in. Their innocent little minds did not realize how creepy it was to sleep at the feet of dead babies. They probably did not think they were real just like the abortion advocates who do not think they are real!

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