When an ankle bracelet goes off at the White House – IOTW Report

When an ankle bracelet goes off at the White House

rick ross ankle bracelet alert goes off at whitehouse

AmericanThinker:  Last weekend, Barack was holding a “Brother’s Keeper youth initiative … to keep men of color out of trouble” at the White House when the ankle bracelet of one of the rappers in attendance went off.

Rick Ross, the “artist” in question, was recently arrested for the second time in a month, this time for kidnapping, aggravated assault, and aggravated battery after pistol-whipping a man working at one of his houses and refusing to let him leave the house.

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12 Comments on When an ankle bracelet goes off at the White House

  1. I guess Barky’s drug stash he got from Bobby Titcomb at Xmas ran out, and this is how he replenishes. This ghetto troll and all of his hangers-on can’t be Gone To Soon.

  2. This proves that you can call a worthless criminal whatever you want to, dress him up in a nice outfit, put him in the White House, and his shiftless, thieving, criminal ass will still be a criminal.
    He should not be allowed to invite his other criminal friends over to the people’s house.
    Oh, when oh when will this Negro Vaudeville be over?

  3. You cannot make shit like this up !
    If the Onion put this as a ‘story’ the SJW/KKK would be up in arms.
    Jus keepin’ it real folks.
    Imagine that will give him more cred than Snoop smokin’ in the boys room.

  4. The Merdas Touch continues!
    From the 2012 Chicago Olympic Games (remember them?) to Solyndra, Iranian peace deals, GM, a basketball…..everything Obola touches, everything, turns to sh*t.

    Youth initiative for Obola’s little brown bruthers? Bwahahahahahahahaha

  5. In the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life”, ZuZu said “teacher says every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings!”

    But with the Socialist Kenyan usurping OUR White House, we have sunk to a new low. “Every time a criminal thug’s ankle bracelet goes off in the White House, a Socialist burns in Hell!”

    Folks, only 9 months to go and the adults will be back in charge…….

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