When Asked About Churchill, Social Reformer Says She’s Never Met Him Personally – IOTW Report

When Asked About Churchill, Social Reformer Says She’s Never Met Him Personally

The stupid is Herculean here.

She is the perfect person to look toward for social reforms, if your goal is Idiocracy.

ht/ c. steven tucker

30 Comments on When Asked About Churchill, Social Reformer Says She’s Never Met Him Personally

  1. I just wish all of the United Kingdom could listen to Enoch Powell addressing why these Third World Shitholers don’t belong in this country. The Rivers of Blood are definitely preceded by Rivers of Stupidity and Historical Ignorance.

  2. Sum where Churchill be chillin wiff a churchill seegar in his mowf, a Churchill mar-teen-E and da Tommy Gat sittin in his crib be lafin lowd!

  3. Sadly, I prefer my idiots this way rather than like Obozo who new who Churchill was and did everything possible to smear & minimize the greatest ally America ever had.

    But TRUMP fixed that in days Mutha Fuka!

  4. Made me remember when Chelsea Clinton sent out a photograph of Abe Lincoln wearing a MAGA hat and she commented please tell me this was photoshopped. Lefties that know everything have no clue about anything.

  5. The goal is fascism. The army of them are losers who can’t get ahead by any other means than violence.

    The dumber they are, the more useful they are. Just look at cortez.

  6. Churchill did a tremendous service to freedom and liberty. Considering that his father died of the syph at age 45 and his mother…well, to be kind to Winston’s memory she was not the virtuous type. But still, he adored both of his parents.

    He had his faults and his failures, but as far as I’m concerned he is among great people in history.

  7. I was in Trafalgar Square the other day, chatting with Lord Admiral Nelson when we stumbled upon Sir Churchill, who had been drinking, and had Neville Chamberlain in a headlock.

    Horatio and I broke up the row and we all had a good laugh afterwards at the pub.

    Bloody good fun.

  8. The last Lion didn’t tolerate fools. I remember reading about some high-society lady saying if I was your wife I would poison your tea.
    He said madam if I was your husband I would drink it.
    Somehow he reminds me of Trump in some ways.

  9. Kinda glad she’s a British SJW idiot embarrassing herself on international media.
    American leftist baffoons already have way too much international media attention.

  10. Well, I’ve met him.

    I’m the one that gave him that whole “blood, toil, tears, and sweat” idea.
    He was going on, like, y’know “is gone be a bitch!” thing, but I calmed him down, gave him a tumbler of whiskey, and wrote it out for him.

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