When can we expect SJWs to take the streets and protest Mexico’s human rights violations? – IOTW Report

When can we expect SJWs to take the streets and protest Mexico’s human rights violations?

I’ve been asking leftwits on Twitter the same question over and over and it is always ignored.

“What are Mexicans seeking asylum from?”

No one answers. They can’t, really, because we all know it’s complete bull$hit. They are seeking money- free money.

If they say they are seeking asylum from violence the obvious question is “why don’t you go to a safe part of Mexico? Is the entire country a sh*thole?”

If they are passing through Mexico, using it as a gateway to America, the obvious question is, “why didn’t you seek asylum in all the other countries you were in before reaching the U.S. border?”

The obvious answer is, “because we get free $hit in America.”

According to the legal website NOLO, the most common claim on an asylum seekers application is that their “government is unwilling to protect them from violence.”

If this is the case, why have I not heard one SJW chanting in the streets to “raise awareness” of Mexico’s civil rights violations?

In fact, we see the opposite. We see SJWS and illegals waving the Mexican flag together, the proud symbol of the scary country they just sought asylum from.

Hold the line. Don’t let these disingenuous sh*tstains get away with this “asylum” crapola.

13 Comments on When can we expect SJWs to take the streets and protest Mexico’s human rights violations?

  1. This is almost the same as the other rhetorical question of this century:
    When can we expect Feminists to take to the streets and protest muzlim treatment of women!
    The answer in both cases is the same –
    When everything revolves around a Leftist agenda, don’t expect answers or anything that makes any sense!

  2. SJWs don’t actually care about human rights and they never did.
    They only care to use it as a wedge issue to guilt Americans into self destructive acts.
    Mexico is a corrupt, failed state because it is filled with Mexicans incapable of self governance.

  3. Good point anon. Send a quick note to the president to tell him that we aren’t swayed by the yapping from the left, hold firm, and know that he is appreciated for his valor under fire.

    Even Trump needs an occasional attaboy, even though he is the man of steel.


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