When Cops Don’t Know the Law – IOTW Report

When Cops Don’t Know the Law

26 Comments on When Cops Don’t Know the Law

  1. Take them BOTH, PERSONALLY, to the cleaners, down to their skivvies and socks.
    Sue them for their pay and retirement.
    Try not to sue the Cook County Sheriff Dept (et al).
    That’s taxpayer money, not police department money.

  2. My guess those two have always been jail staff and not street cops. That is not to excuse them at all, but to explain why they were as ignorant as a box of rocks. That is why the “lieutenant” never arrested anybody.

    I would imagine that they had learned all of that stuff when they were first trained but that knowledge has atrophied.

    The plaintiff should win big time. There should also be in service trading.

  3. Oh my gosh.
    There are a lot of cops who think they “ARE THE LAW” (in Stalone voice).
    When my boys were in high school, over 15 yrs ago, a rookie stopped them and their friends and asked to look in their backpacks.
    My boys proceeded to school the cop on the Constitution. He ended up calling the Duty Sargeant after 45 min and the Duty Sargeant told him the kids were right. LOL!!
    When this dipstick Lt called this woman crazy for knowing the Constitution it made me think of that.
    I guess Cook Cty doesn’t require any examinations when hiring or promoting.
    I hope she gets millions.

  4. I follow the adventures of many first amendment auditors including this case. As of today, the case is over and these useless Demonrat voters (a.k.a. police officers) face no penalty. The Chicago “Machine” grinds on.

  5. I spent about 6 years as a cop in a major venue. I was not a good cop. I was, like so many cops today, high on perceived authority. Today I would have been arrested for the shit that I got away with, back then. I am ashamed.
    I’m happy to see these 1st amendment auditors coming into their own, now. Thank you for hi-lighting this one. I’d love to see more.
    The way the cops act today, will be the very reason used to put them out of business, by saying “we need to get every officer on the same page.” Nationalized Police Force, administered by the federal authority. They won’t disappear from the street. They’ll be there; just in another uniform

  6. Hard to believe that Cook County Law Enforcement consists of unqualified. incompetent political appointees.
    Doesn’t seem like anybody is capable of enforcing the law in Cook County

  7. When I lived in Lake Geneva in the late 70s, everyone there knew to stay away from Crook County.

    I really disliked it when I had to drive a 20 ft box truck to south Chitown for the factory I worked at. I did learn how to change lanes WHILE flipping the turn indicator, so there’s that. No one would ever give you a chance if you were foolish enough to try to change lanes legally and safely. Not once did I ever experience courtesy on the road in Illinois. It was all “Eff you” drivers. Even the road crews, at times, would take a swipe at your car with their traffic flags as you drove by.

    Everyone I dealt with in ChiTown was an a-hole at heart.

    These cops are perfect representatives of the population of Crook County. Why would they be punished by people just like themselves?

    Where are the sky lasers when you need them?

  8. I’ve had family in LE for decades, some who are now retired, so I’ve been around their cop friends along with them since I was a kid. None of this surprises me, I’ve questioned them many times over the years and they believe they can search whatever they want without a warrant if they suspicious cause, that includes entering your home. They believe it’s law if they ask for an ID, not doing so is illegal and they can arrest you.

    The problem is rarely is anything done to them, the best outcome you usually get is if they do charge you with something it’s thrown out.

    There’s a reason I’ve never been one to back the blue, because far too often the blue are a bunch of idiots who put on a badge and gun and think they’re big tough guy. I do support them when they have to shoot someone, but what always drives me crazy is blacks always pick the cases where they were justified and the shoots that aren’t justified never get the spotlight put on them.
    Not to mention cops can’t hit the broadside of a barn, that is another pet peeve of mine from being on their shooting ranges and watching just how bad they are.

  9. The criminals pinned to badges will get a slap on the hand, a paid vacation and keep their jobs. The victim will get a settlement paid for by the taxpayers and NOTHING IMPORTANT will change. The system is totally corrupt beyond redemption, it needs to be burned to the ground and EVERYONE who is part of it permanently banned from being employed in a public capacity. But that’s never going to happen.

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