When Dad watches the kids! – IOTW Report

When Dad watches the kids!

20 Comments on When Dad watches the kids!

  1. Ive done the tossing the nephews around with my older bros … in a pool

    Little boys love it, but little girls will cry sometimes Then you have to stop and comfort them. One reason Moms may not approve; because of the little girl inside them

  2. That is so adorable! My dad used to launch my brother and I into our pool. He was a big, strong athletic man and he would toss us like cannonballs up and into the deep end over and over and over! 😁 And, he would hit tennis balls to us endlessly teaching three out of four of us to play tennis. (My sister didn’t play)

    What a great dad. I miss him. My son never knew him, which is a pity.

  3. I love real men and the way they play with kids! Dads are definitely the “fun” parents when kids are little. Later, they become the “stern” parents when the sons/daughters are teen-agers.

  4. Conservative Cowgirl – I used to do that with our girls and Mom would do the “Ice Tea Plunge” backwards into the pool with them! Today in their mid thirtys they are level-headed Conservatives.

  5. So much fun! Love these videos. Good dads show their children that a sense of adventure frees the soul
    – building confidence and bravery. The kind of adventure that encourages creativity not directed to destruction.


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