When Did the Left Consider the GOP a Great Party? – IOTW Report

When Did the Left Consider the GOP a Great Party?


26 Comments on When Did the Left Consider the GOP a Great Party?

  1. So if any Republicans are scratching their pointed, little heads about how we got here, just remember that in 2012 we gave you a majority in the House and you did nothing. Then in 2014 we gave you a majority in the Senate and you still did NOTHING! The average hard-working, over-taxed citizen is fed up with being screwed over by a Socialist-Communist regime doing their level best to destroy America enabled by a bunch of RINOs who refuse to do a God-Damn thing about it!

  2. of course the left feels the republicans are a great party.

    the republicans let them have everything they want legislatively don’t they?

    what’s not to like about an opposition party that doesn’t oppose?

  3. Yes, what The Rat Fink said, but the seeds of destruction were sown decades ago. Think back to 1964, when the GOP did not support its own candidate for president, Barry Goldwater. Can you imagine if Goldwater had won that election, and maybe the one in 1968? No LBJ, no Great Society, a federal debt a fraction of what it is now……

    And what planet is the Daily News living on? Trump’s gotten more support in the primaries than anyone else this season precisely because he is THE anti-establishment candidate. A vote for Trump is a vote against John McCain, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Jeb Bush, Reince Priebus, and all these other ivory tower morons who just don’t get it the way Trump gets it.

    I can’t say that every choice i’ve ever made in my life was a great one, but deciding to register as an independent voter as a freshly minted 18-year-old in 1975 was one of my best. I would be so embarrassed to be a Republican today.

  4. Guess I am staying home this election year. Trump is just a transgender version of Hillary. I guess a complete economical collapse of America is what we need.

  5. JustAl
    May 4, 2016 at 7:43 am
    Yep True Liberty, that Hillary sure is adamant about enforcing the borders and getting tough with China on trade. No, no difference, at all.

    If you believe that I have a free course for you at the Trump college.

  6. Good point, Yonkers. This has been a LONG time coming. The left portrayed Goldwater as a warmonger, he would have gotten us into a useless war in Asia!

    And more recently don’t forget Ryan in IL. If the RINO candidate for Senate hadn’t been a perve, there might never have been a Senator Obama.

    Love or hate Trump, this is ALL ON RINOS. (Including Reagan, who signed amnesty in 1986). They gave us uncontrolled legal and illegal immigration. No one but Trump has a mathematical chance of winning the electoral college.

  7. So, why is it that ‘liberals’ hate Trump so much if they think he’s a liberal? Oh, yeah, they can’t stand competition.
    Substitute ‘liberal’ for RINO, Democrat, Socialist, etc….

  8. Corona,
    Are you kidding???

    The electoral collage is the LAST part of the original Republic we have.

    Without it no candidate for POTUS would even bother to consider the issues of anyone living more than 200 miles from a coast. So anyone not living in a high population density area simply wouldn’t be a worthwhile citizen anymore.

    In my opinion, it’s the “popular vote” that should be eliminated and the electors should be chosen by the state legislatures as they once were.

  9. Great, at least now you are starting to be open about being aligned with the left in an effort to destroy the Republican party.
    Keep attacking Republicans and their party, Hillary needs all the help she can get.

  10. well, The daily Spews has the headline correct.
    But for the wrong reason. It’s GOPe RINOs that are the death knell of the Republitards, not Trump. Trump is the final stage symptom, not the cause.

  11. Truth be told, that should be a dead donkey in that coffin. We’ll hug it out like people right of center always do.

    But there will be open rebellion on their side this summer.

  12. John, amnesty destroyed the Republican party. It’s what Ted Kennedy intended in 1965 with the start of legal immigration. Now with the twin death blows of uncontrolled legal AND illegal immigration thanks to the RINOs, Trump is the most conservative candidate with a chance. I don’t care about abortion or even gay marriage so much as immigration. It will give the left a permanent electoral lock. If Trump only does ONE thing, that’s good enough for me. SHUT THE DAMN BORDER.

    He may be lying, i dont know for sure that hell do it. But the difference is I KNEW Mitt Romney was lying when he said he was against amnesty.

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