When Does the Eradication Begin? – IOTW Report

When Does the Eradication Begin?

36 Comments on When Does the Eradication Begin?

  1. Hey, freak lady mind your own effin business. My kids (grandkids now) and other people’s kids do not belong to the state ever. And good luck ever trying to get laid because most every guy is not crazy enough to stick their dick into you. You also look like a lickalottapuss AKA a lesbian.

  2. Start building the institutions to house them pronto-asap. We used to have them!!
    Since they’re so off the chain Nutz they might just settle for caves (with a border fence)!
    I’d rather deal with nut jobs who think they’re Napoleon than these assholes who are trying to fuck up the lives of the next generation!!

  3. These are the freaks teaching our children:

    Non-binary activist who founded controversial for-profit ‘Woke Kindergarten’ program that calls to abolish police and Israel now posts online rant saying ‘US has no right to exist’

    – received $250,000 grant for a failure reading and math program believes that “ Israel has no right to exist” “the United States has no right to exist”.


  4. This is how a Democracy works. The good people of Colorado elected this brain damaged, daddy issue, FUB. (Fat Ugly Bitch). If they agree with losing their children to the state, more power to them. They very well may. Not my problem. I love listening to the interviews of voters from Portland, Seattle and San Fransisco. “This is just terrible, it has to stop”. Name the topic. But the so called journalists never ask a very important question. “Well, who did you vote for”. Liberal women, and men with man buns, should sooner or later realize the should just NOT vote. They harm themselves and their communities every time they do. Pasquinel is pissed off.

  5. Degenerate elites spouting more bullshit. Fuck your village. Fuck your public good. Degenerate elites make degenerate children with degenerate public schools.

    Eventually everyone is equally worthless.

  6. Dr. Hambone, I’m the sort of fellow who hides behind the big Cedar tree at the end of my driveway… to avoid my neighbors. I’m just trying to check the mail. “Oh shit! there is Dave!”, I better hide.

    I’m 100% serious. There may be something wrong with me.

  7. I don’t want anything to do with any of them. Hot little blonds or not.

    When I was in MD I became known as a car dude. It wasn’t my fault. 6 days out of 7 I had motherfuckers all over the place in my face wanting shit.

    “I have a noisy engine!”

    “I don’t care…”

    “I got bad brakes, and fucking this and this….”

    The end of it was when I was working under my Suburban and some non-english speaking motherfucker squished under my truck to talk gibberish to me.

    At that point I thought, “I need to move far far away…”

    So now I pretend I don’t know anything.


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