When Feminism Takes Hold – IOTW Report

When Feminism Takes Hold

We posted a different gallery once before of the FACES OF FEMINISM.

Feminism ravages women much the same as crystal meth. It’s very much like a mental disorder.

more pics here

ht/ chabanais

34 Comments on When Feminism Takes Hold

  1. I know someone who was hit with manic-depressive illness in his late teens and he only became more handsome with age. He’d be one ugly bastard if he had been afflicted with feminism instead. 😊

  2. Its the weak minded that fall into these types of extreme behavior. This type would likely make a poor partner for someone anyway. They’re displaying a warning sign that can’t be missed.

  3. US university system is central to this mental wasting. Nearly all liberal arts/humanities depts are infected with self-hatred, postmodernism, deconstruction. There are experts in ‘queer studies’ and those people are untouchable — just try denying them tenure even if they never showed up to teach any of their courses. Better have an armada of lawyers if you do. Point is that these freaks are at the pinnacle of the university pecking order. Don’t think sciences and engineering or even medicine are immune to this illness and hatred, either.

  4. My cousin’s girlfriend did the same thing after going to college in NJ. She was a cheerleader in high school and very pretty with nice long brunette hair. Along the lines of the 2nd chick from the bottom in the before photo. Then after 1 year in college, hair cut short and curled up, dark rimmed glasses and talks like an activist.

    The entire family went from thinking – “she’s a sweet kid” – to – “I hope they don’t get married.”

  5. Are we looking at “feminists” or “lesbians”? Or have the terms become synonymous?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. I’m sick of this horrible patriarchal society and I’m fighting the injustice!!……The thinking of a spoiled, entitled little brat that’s never known a day of going without anything.

  7. I guess I’m not far off. I used to coif my hair, slick suits, expensive hand made shoes and all the matching accoutrements.

    Today, I might take a shower. The Carhartt shirt I wore yesterday still smells okay and wear a ballcap whenever I’m vertical.

    It wasn’t feminists that did this to me. It was liberals. I quit working for them, bought property in the woods and insulate myself from the madness of living the way they want me to live.

  8. That’s sad.
    Wasted life; lost soul.

    We have lost the ability to recognize freaks.
    Our grasping at “moral relativism” has blinded us to insanity (or, at least, mental derangement).

    There seems to be a trend, here, from, what? maybe WWI? or the turn of that century?
    The culmination of 120 years of decay, disestablishment, rootlessness, and confusion.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I mean, you see these MS-13 tatted gargoyles milling around in the prison yard, what’s the difference between them and the PMS-13 hosebeasts on the quad?

  10. @mickey moussaoui May 7, 2018 at 10:05 am

    > Look at the bright side…they wont get pregnant

    You’re telling me “Never dip yout nib in crazy” is finally obsolete?

  11. These two stories are both manifestations of miserable pathetic failures acting out.


    Every human ever born wants to be noticed, when this manifests in healthy ways the individual seeks recognition for being creative and doing something of value and doing it well…. and then we have those who are incapable of creativity, they destroy. They seek attention but are too worthless to work at something positive.

    They are poison, nothing good comes from any association with these malicious, maladjusted malcontents.

  12. As chicks, they looked OK. As Femi-Lesbies, they look atrocious.

    Why make yourself look worse? Beauty is hard to find. Do some people watching next time you are waiting for a flight, not that I am immune from ugliness at all. Good looking people are few and far between.


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