When I see this I am ashamed to be a human being – IOTW Report

When I see this I am ashamed to be a human being

ht/ jc lady

39 Comments on When I see this I am ashamed to be a human being

  1. I guess the stupid part is more the “authorities” being satisfied that the peons are complying. So the band knows this is ineffective and ridiculous but also know they have to wear a mask to comply with mandates. It’s maddening that We (me included) aren’t storming the state capitals and removing the governors for this shit

  2. The fact is that those masks are only 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% less effective than almost all other masks at preventing the spread of any respiratory virus.

  3. So spewing spit and such thru a wind instrument somehow kills the Wuhan virus? Good to know. Were these Harris the Hos’ idea? Looks like something she would have used while servicing Willy Brown.

    Can’t wait till the weather gets colder here in the North East and people with their muzzles on can see the condensed water vapor when they exhale. If water droplets can get thru the mask ain’t no way it going to stop the Wuhan, but we here all know that.

  4. The institution of TSA Kabuki theater at airports was an experiment by government to see how much people will oblige.

    Take off your shoes, belt, jacket. Pull out your shampoo, shaving cream, toothpaste. Tuck your thumbs into your armpits and flap your arms screaming cockadoodledoo.

    And we did it.

  5. Meh. Its no stupider than anything ELSE about the FakeFlu like closing bars at 10 or sitting outside of restaurants. None of this was EVER about any virus, it was ALWAYS about peasant control so the masks are just tokens of subservience anyway, or as one commenter called them, “Muzzles”…

  6. This is a perfect example of why government regulations can reach the level of pathetic ridiculousness due to the ambiguous wording that legislators/regulators create in the laws, not being able to anticipate every way that their subjects will find workarounds.
    I applaud the kids for exposing the ridiculousness to the world. They just need to add the letters “FU” on them.

  7. Back in the spring, I pulled up at a stoplight beside a guy – perhaps in his early ’60’s – in a Mazda Miata convertible – with the top, DOWN… wearing a mask. 🤨

    I’m thinking, “This MAY not be the car for YOU. Maybe the Oscar Mayer WEINER wagon, would be MORE appropriate”… 😳

  8. Culmination of every Aggie joke…..BTW….. most people don’t realize the toothbrush was invented @ T A&M. Had it been anywhere else it would be called a teeth brush.

  9. Only if you allow them to do it to you. Went into WalMart yesterday. Standing at the door was a 20 something kid, long green hair, obese, ordering me, someone old enough to be her great grandmother, to put a mask on. I told her when she needs to go into the store and tell people to quit touching their mask, quit sticking their hands into the grapes sampling them, and touching merchandise in general, then I’ll wear a mask. “I’m just doing my job!” Yeah, well, you’re bossing the wrong person around, and I walked right in maskless. Others were in the store with no mask, no one was 6 feet apart, business as usual. Oh, and all the while we were standing there going back and forth, she fiddled with her mask – I pointed that out to her as well.

  10. Somebody please tell me this going to stop soon? I have noticed the mask covers up the expression you’re naturally trying to convey to people so you just stop doing it. This seems to really bother me. It seems dehumanizing making us all the same, into non-person characters. I’m starting to resent this with every fiber of my being.

  11. Larry, give me evidence that masks that can only filter microorganisms 10x the size of Rinovirus “save lives”.
    If you can’t cite any, shut the fuck up with your nonsense.

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