When illegals randomly execute citizens – IOTW Report

When illegals randomly execute citizens


NewsMachete- By now you have all heard the horrific news that a young woman in San Francisco named Kathryn Steinle was executed, seemingly at random for no reason, by an illegal alien named Francisco Sanchez. Sanchez, who had been deported five times and had seven felony convictions, was released by San Francisco police on March 26th after being arrested on a drug charge. The police and ICE are each pointing fingers at each other, but in fact both are complicit in dropping the ball and letting these foreign killers roam freely.

When Kathryn Steinle was killed, she wasn’t killed walking in the Tenderloin or one of San Francisco’s notoriously dangerous neighborhoods; she was in a very well travelled tourist area around the Ferry Building, near the Embarcadero. Steinle also wasn’t walking in the middle of the night; it was only 6:30 PM and bright and sunny as it is in the summer. She also had no connection to Sanchez. In other words, she hadn’t done anything “wrong” or even risky, but simply lived her life as a normal person would. Her only “mistake” was walking in what she thought was one of the safest parts of San Francisco at the same time as Sanchez, when in reality there are no safe areas. This “mistake” cost her her life.

All the conservative blogs will talk about the obvious folly of the illegal alien invasion here, but I want to talk about something different; how all these waves of illegal aliens have changed our society.  more

17 Comments on When illegals randomly execute citizens

  1. “Illegal Alien Invading Rat-People.”

    Rats sneak into your house, eat your substance, defecate and urinate wherever they happen to be, and breed like, well, rats. People who assume the qualities of rats, should, appropriately, be referred to as “rat-people.”

  2. “What Steinle’s death means is that the fabric of society is coming apart. There is no longer any area you can be “safe” in. The police in major cities are complicit at averting their eyes from these illegal alien killers. … And when we lose the safety of walking on the street, civil society starts to collapse. … The trust and security needed for a civil society simply isn’t there. And that’s where American society is headed.”

    Death to the Left. NOW.

  3. The solution to this problem is the would-be victim is packing and kills the attacker.

    But then we have to demand that the would-be victim isn’t charged with a crime.

  4. Claudia, at best this woman was hit by a stray bullet, at worst she was randomly assassinated. A ccw would not prevent something you can’t see coming. This guy was a known felon, just got out of jail for something. So all those knee jerk gun laws that the idiots that run this city have put in place have succeeded in disarming the law abiding public and turned them into targets of opportunity for people that shouldn’t be here in the first place.
    This guys last known address was from Texas so Rick Perry, STFU. Turns out Trumps right and you know it.

    Last year we had some crazy Mex illegal that had been deported numerous times kill two Deputies with an AR style weapon that had no California Bullet Button and he was using 30 round mags. Both illegal for us law abiding citizens in California. So one again if the criminals are not effected by these gun laws what’s the point?
    By the way that guy came from Texas too.

  5. @Bad_Brad – When I was in grad school I worked for the ass’t dean who was a retired USAF full bird colonel, his name was Sandro Barone – a great gentleman.

    He said something to me that was taught in the War College at the time; “When America stops being good, America stops being strong.”
    I never forgot that – 45 years ago.

    We can’t even protect our citizens in our own cities anymore.

    America has succumbed to evil, embraced it – and it has rotted our collective souls. Our leaders are more concerned with making sure that sodomites celebrate unholy matrimony rather than securing our nation from enemies foreign and domestic.

  6. Well, there is that, but for the times when they confront you or you are with one other person and they target one of you… I’m sure they all aren’t all without notice. If just 10% of these attacks ends up with a dead attacker (illegal invader or black thug), it might be something of a deterrent.

  7. As you’ve probably read here I carry all the time. The only time I don’t carry is at the gym. What’s to be gained from a heavily armed citizenry is that somebody else would have taken the rat bastard out as soon as he fired his first shot. Then your 10% can easily go to 50%. Imagine the savings to the tax payer.
    But then again that’s probably why he decided to kill someone in S.F. instead of my county where ccw’s are at an all time high. Especially the women here lately.

  8. We can’t even protect our citizens in our own cities anymore.

    “We could” but we WON’T because the fkn nazi Demos continue to steal everything that made America great.

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