When is “Milk” Not Milk? When the FDA Changes Labeling Rules – IOTW Report

When is “Milk” Not Milk? When the FDA Changes Labeling Rules


The stakes are high for a re-introduced bill named The Dairy Pride Act. An FDA ruling in February allowed soy and nut beverages to be called milk, but it has caused quite a stir among farmers and lawmakers in Wisconsin.

How milk is defined is currently up for debate, depending on who you ask. Content

“Milk” by any other name is not nutritionally the same as the moo juice.

The FDA found it concerning that many consumers seemed to assume that plant-based milks are nutritionally interchangeable with cow’s milk. So, to address this, the regulator recommended that makers of plant-based milks prominently label their products with nutritional differences from milk. For example, the front of a carton of nut milk could read “50 percent more calcium than milk” as well as “Contains a lower amount of potassium than milk.”


22 Comments on When is “Milk” Not Milk? When the FDA Changes Labeling Rules

  1. I call it Dumb F*ck Vegans using the idiotic government to support a group of dingbats trying to justify their stupidity. It needs to be labeled “Trans”.
    What an insult to mammals.

  2. Huh. Long as it says what kind of ‘milk’ it is, whom cares. Fake stuff needs to be identified as such. Beyond meat anyone? That’s far more deceptive because it doesn’t say what it is at all other than beyond meat. Wonder whether they’ll get it to where all food is fakes of the originals.

  3. Funny thing about that soy, nut, etc fluid is that they’re all chemicalized and saturated with preservatives of all sorts. Manufacturers use tricky bogus label language to confuse consumers. Cow milk, if pasteurized, contains added sugars and other stuff is heated, destroying nutritional benefits. Pure coconut milk, the grated pulp from the actual coconut fruit and not the canned, bottled, and boxed type, is one of the purest forms as is the non-manufactured coconut water.

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