When Is Obama Going To Talk About Blacks Shooting Cops? – IOTW Report

When Is Obama Going To Talk About Blacks Shooting Cops?

A Houston cop was able to see that he was driving into an ambush. A feral thug got out of a car with the intention of killing the police officer.

The officer shot him in the ass. (Not kidding.) The lot of them (4) were arrested a short time later.

14 Comments on When Is Obama Going To Talk About Blacks Shooting Cops?

  1. Obama has already talked about this several times, but cleverly between the lines. Or by his actions & in action, which speaks louder than mere words. He clearly encourages more of it.

    And just as clearly he encourages more Christians and other non Muslim being shot by Muslims. He doesn’t use the name terrorists, radical Islamist, Muslim terrorist , or jihadist. Neither will I. Islam is Islam. And Obama is their enabler. Standing with Islam.

  2. That reminds me, Whuts the difference between the White Fairy Tale and the Black Fairy tale?
    The White Fairy Tale starts out: “Once upon a time”
    The Black Fairy Tale starts out: “Yo! Check this shit out!”

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