When It’s Drilled Into Your Head That We Live in a Rape Culture, You Roll Your Eyes in Court When Sentenced For Filing False Rape Charge – IOTW Report

When It’s Drilled Into Your Head That We Live in a Rape Culture, You Roll Your Eyes in Court When Sentenced For Filing False Rape Charge

Woman Sentenced to Jail for False Rape Accusation Rolls Eyes in Court.

Police say Nikki Yovino reported being raped by two school football players in 2016, but later admitted making up the story.


A woman appeared to roll her eyes in court several times as she was sentenced to one year in jail for making false rape allegations against two college football players.

Twenty-year-old Nikki Yovino, who police say had a sexual encounter with two players in Connecticut and later made false rape allegations so she wouldn’t lose a potential boyfriend, was sentenced Thursday in Bridgeport Superior Court.

She pleaded guilty in June to misdemeanor charges of falsely reporting an incident and interfering with police.


How is trying to get someone convicted of a rape charge a ONE year sentence?

ht/ jd hasty

16 Comments on When It’s Drilled Into Your Head That We Live in a Rape Culture, You Roll Your Eyes in Court When Sentenced For Filing False Rape Charge

  1. I am blue eyed with fine dirty blond hair, but had a job and a house to live in in my 20s. A chippie said she was prego w/my kid.

    I said: That is not possible: That one is a village bike, and although “everyone’s ridden it,” and she was a pretty damn good looking unit, I had no interest in adding her level of drama (or cocaine bill) to my life.

    She ran with the same bunch of hangers on that followed many of my buddies bands around and I had to repeatedly deny.

    She was a blu eyed blond and…. the kid looked like Buckwheat. Fortunately I did not have to ask: So where do I go to get my reputation back. That being said: Every Goddamned girl I ran into for six or eight months… you know the drill.

  2. I’m no beauty, but one glim at that photo suggests to me that alcohol must have been involved if some guy was putting the spurs to her; she’s a “last call 6” on a good day.

  3. On the question of why a one year sentence? We are in real trouble regarding the courts in our country. Reality Winner gets five years for stealing and leaking classified info to the press, but James Comey and others who are in charge of protecting classified info are given a pass for the same crime. In one jurisdiction, one charge of assault with a deadly weapon gets ten years, but in Berkeley a professor gets 90 days probation for assaulting seven people with a bike lock (deadly weapon), despite incontrovertible evidence.

    Liberal judges, conservative judges, sentencing guidelines — our courts have become a mish mash of capricious and arbitrary (and highly discretionary) application of law. Combined with the lawlessness of our Administrative State, we’re in big trouble.

  4. Consolation prize:

    Usually, it takes a minimum sentence of one year in jail to be a felon.

    She is a felon now, unless that state is very different.

    That’s no small thing. The consequences of that will alter her life in negative ways for years beyond her jail time.

  5. Looks like she pled to 2 misdemeanors to avoid the felony rap, 365 days is the max. Like it or not, roughly 90% of cases that don’t get outright dropped end in plea deals.

    And Uncle Al is right, the penalty should be whatever the false accuser was trying to get for the victim.

  6. That’s the sentence for the criminal trial.
    If I were the football player that was falsely accused, I’d be filing a civil suit against her for libel, slander, false arrest, defamation, and whatever else could be thrown into the pot.
    Actions have consequences. And this bint should be paying until she’s old enough to collect Social Security.

  7. So she cheats on her current or potential boyfriend with 2 black guys, they gladly screw her fat ugly ass, she makes false claims, ruins their lives, then ruins hers.

    Comedy of errors…

  8. A little perspective…remember she falsely accused two men of rape, which is one of several violent acts that allow for the justified use of lethal force. It is not a trivial accusation so a year sentence is light.


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