When People Say “It was just a bl*w job” That’s a Litmus Test For Their Stupidity – IOTW Report

When People Say “It was just a bl*w job” That’s a Litmus Test For Their Stupidity

I had a friend, a lawyer, extremely bright, but for some reason voted democrat all the time. He was Jewish. He said, “coming from New York, it’s ‘tradition’ to vote left.”

I used to respect his intelligence until that revelation. It was compounded one day when he said, “it was just a blow job,” referring to the Lewinsky affair.

It was “just a blow job” if Clinton didn’t care who found out.

If, for some reason, a politician didn’t want anyone to discover that they wore white after labor day, and was willing to accept conditions of extortion in order to cover it up, that would also be a problem.

It was never the blow job. It was never a matter of the moral police, or the sexually repressed, going after Clinton.

It was a matter of the lengths Clinton would go to cover it up. And we know that he was willing to tamper with grand jury witnesses, telling them to lie, in order to not be discovered.

The Daily Mail is reporting evidence that Clinton had accepted a deal because his phone sex sessions were intercepted.

This is why Hillary is unelectable.

The lengths she is going to coverup her private emails, going so far as to illegal have them destroyed after being subpoenaed, and her lack of transparency with health issues, makes her ripe for blackmail.

And we already know what her close confidante, Bill, would do.

ht/ just the tip

18 Comments on When People Say “It was just a bl*w job” That’s a Litmus Test For Their Stupidity

  1. It was just sexual advances. It was just sexual harassment. It was just oral sex. It was just sex with minors. It was just sex with prostitues. It was just adultery. It was just rape.

    Nope. It was just wrong.

    Trump 2016.

    it was never, nor will it ever be, just a blowjob. It is about moral bankruptcy, pandering influence for cash, lying, covering up, killing to keep witnesses silent, pathological endplays to protect yourselves and your handlers, the NWO. THAT IS WHAT DID YOU IN, and you will NEVER see it. Too Bad, So Sad. Hang them higher!

  3. Your lawyer buddy is one of those blind follower Leftist idiots that will accept any behavior, any policy proposed by the politicians with a (D) after their name. Unfortunately, the country is full of these idiots.

  4. “It was never the blow job.”
    No? Never? If a man is willing to cheat, lie, contort, coverup, dissemble, threaten, harass, and intimidate innocents, so that he can fornicate against his Oath of Matrimony, his Consecrated Oath Before God and Man, to abuse the one person on Earth, who he is supposed to Love more than any other, for whom he has sworn to Forsake ALL others – what other outrages is he less to do?
    He would sacrifice his marriage and, potentially, his High Office for a fleeting moment of sexual release? This is a man of trust? A man to whom peace and war are only a single act away?

    Character is how you act when no one else is around.
    (or when you’re alone with an intern half your age)

    Clinton has no character. No moral compass.
    Neither has his wife. They are both hateful narcissistic megalomaniacs who would think nothing of destroying anyone (and everyone) to further their own personal aggrandizement.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. My father was a Republican Jew alone in the family in this matter. i talked to him about the 97 percent Leftist voting that was clearly not in the interests of Judaism. His reply stunned me…’after over a thousand years in northern areas the jewish community learned to support the local tyrant to avoid or reduce pograms and later voted for Hitler when Communism was banned. Over time, this survival technique worked generally and became genetic as those who objected were the ones turned into the police for peace. So, Jews cannot help themselves and understand that the Left detests them and would kill them if given the chance. ‘ So, Jews vote Left because of genes, nonbelievers vote Left because they are ignorant victims and/or are sociopathic..

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