When Seconds Count – Police on Their Heels Gives the Thugs the Upper Hand – IOTW Report

When Seconds Count – Police on Their Heels Gives the Thugs the Upper Hand

Citing beating of officer, Chicago’s top cop says police are ‘second-guessing themselves’

BlackLivesMatter looms in the back of all the cop’s minds, how their lives and careers will be ruined even after a righteous shoot.

This will cause them to be killed, just like BLM wants.


Chicago’s top cop said Thursday one of his officers was seriously beaten at an accident scene because the national focus on police shootings has caused officers to second-guess themselves.

Superintendent Eddie Johnson said the patrol officer told him she did not use her gun to defend herself for fear of a backlash.  “She didn’t want her family or the department to go through the scrutiny the next day on national news,” he said.

The injured officer, a 17-year Chicago police veteran, got into a struggle with a man who allegedly was high on PCP after she stopped at a crash scene in the Austin community on the West Side on Wednesday morning.

“As I was at the hospital last night, visiting with her, she looked at me and said she thought she was gonna die, and she knew that she should shoot this guy, but she chose not to because she didn’t want her family or the department to go through the scrutiny the next day on national news,” Johnson said while attending a public ceremony honoring heroic officers and firefighters.

“This officer could (have) lost her life last night,” the superintendent said. “She’s hospitalized right now, but she still has the spirit and the bravery that these officers and firefighters display every day — every day.  We have to change the narrative of the law enforcement across this country.”

The suspect smashed the officer’s face into the pavement repeatedly until she was unconscious, police said.


15 Comments on When Seconds Count – Police on Their Heels Gives the Thugs the Upper Hand

  1. I would love to see a National Police Strike for 48 hours. Every LEO stay home, take the AWOL demerit or whatever, but just stay home with your family for 48 fucking hours. This includes you guys on VIP protection duty, Mayors, Governors etc. Stay to fuck home. Pick a day. Go National with it. And abide by it. I know, I’m crazy. But what a lesson it would be. If you could get the Fire Departments and EMS to join for just 48 hours? Stay home with your families.

  2. All part of Barack Hussein Obama’s plan.
    Fundamental Transformation of the Police Force? Check.
    Fundamental Transformation of the Military? Check.
    Fundamental Transformation of the Medical System? Check.
    Fundamental Transformation of what was once a work force?……

    OK. I’ll stop.

    That’s what you all swooned over and voted for.
    8 silly syllables. Sounded pretty. Ended butt ugly. Cuz you never stopped to think…….What do Fundamental Transformation really mean?

  3. Don’t mean to sound like a total asshole, but this is why women shouldn’t be cops. I’m windering exactly at what point in time she was thinking, dang, I should have shot the bastard.

  4. 2009 nobel peace prize winner – barack obama

    i am finding some enjoyment in the obama disaster in that those who pushed this ‘messiah’ are desperately digging a deep hole in which they will place their heads in complete shame, hopefully to keep them there until they run out of oxygen

  5. “We have allowed our police department to get fetal, and it is having a direct consequence. They have pulled back from the ability to interdict . . . they don’t want to be a news story themselves, they don’t want their career ended early, and it’s having an impact.” – Chicago Mayor Rahm Mayor Emanuel

    To protect and serve, or or to hunker down and survive? Not a lot of protecting then.

    Black people, is this what you want? Be careful what you wish for lest you get it.

  6. Hey Obama has a 62 percent approval rating.
    Trump is still being bashed by Levin, The National Review, The Weekly Standard, The New York Times, The WAPO, CBS,NBC,CNN and others, many others.
    So what do you think our chances of a Trump Presidency is?
    Pretty sad, right?

  7. Charlie. Also :, Either Limbaugh or Hannity stated it today on the radio. I personally cannot believe it, but there are an awful lot of stupid people in the country, so it’s quite possible. It depends on who is being questioned and by whom. You ever watch Water’s World on FOX?

  8. I’ve seen the changes in our training and in our “guidelines”. It’s not being said , yet, but the writing is on the wall.

    The police have to be assaulted or shot at before we are allowed to defend ourselves…..

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