We are gone. Lost.
Friend who lives in Manhattan sends pic of this subway ad courtesy of the NYC Dept of Health. Heroin addiction — it's empowering! pic.twitter.com/561kljU0Fg
— Noah Pollak (@NoahPollak) May 26, 2022
We are gone. Lost.
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Have you Hugged a junkie today?
I had to carry the casket of the heroin empowered adult son of my friend, co-worker, mentor, and man who literally saved my life to his grave in front of his 10 year old son who found him dead in the driveway in a puddle of empowerment.
Fuck you.
Fuck you to death.
There is no incompetence in democrat controlled governments (state and federal). It is all by design and being executed with a vengeance. Drugs are just one front in their war against America. They want the United States to be taken down. We are the only obstacle to their delusional idea of a global one world government. Which by the way, will never work, because it will collapse into chaos with all the internal massive egos infighting, thinking they can control 7-8 billion people.
I wonder if libtards know they and their children are nothing more than lab rats to the Democrat party.
FJB, F Marxists!
Mom and dad would be so proud raising a safe junkie.
Not like those nasty fentanyl users.
It’s almost as if they want you drugged up, legal or illegal?
Sheep to the slaughter.
This is odd. I just woke up from a series of dreams in which the term “M.K. Ultra” was used repeatedly. I’ve seen the term/phrase before, but never knew what it meant. I always thought it was some sort of millennial buzzphrase or clothing/accessory brand, etc. I had no interest in learning more about it. But I just looked it up. And here’s a story of the gov’t getting behind debilitating Americans with drugs. Weird, huh? Not so, apparently. This gov’t is capable of carrying out all manner of heinous acts against our people.
Put one in the ground two weeks ago.
I nearly lost my son to a heroin overdose 15 years ago. When he called me, he was scared shitless when I went to get him before my wife, and I had to put him into rehab. He recovered and is now doing well but I could’ve lost him if he hadn’t called me. So, abusing heroin or any other drugs including marijuana there is no way in hell that using drugs is empowering. This is an absolute lie straight from the pits of hell, no one should be so stupid to believe abusing heroin is empowering ever. So called safe drug abusers aided and abetted by idiotic PSA’s are still dead drug abusers. And I don’t wish that on any parent ever.
“Let’s Prevent Overdose.”
A dead consumer isn’t good.
Just good Democrats concerned about your safety, and making enough money to buy advertising.
China Is Poisoning America With Fentanyl
More adults between 18 and 45 died of fentanyl overdoses in 2020 than COVID-19, motor vehicle accidents, cancer and suicide.
@ stirrin the FJB Pot
The elites/tptb/wef want to whittle……
that 7-8 billion down to 500 million……
and don’t care about how they do it.
@Wambam: wonder if libtards know they and their children are nothing more than lab rats to the Democrat party.
Millions around the world for the past 2 years were lab rats. No one had to pay for the “free” jab. People felt good being a part of “flattening the curve.” Instead, they prolonged it, and now they realize they’ve been lied to and are screwed. Shooting up is voluntary as well as the jab. Get in line and take your chances. As long as the government can dumb down the masses with cell phones, computers, and drugs, they will have control over you. Take one of those away and see what happens. Take a look around you when you’re out and about, and see how many people have their faces stuck to that phone. Oh, and it’s not just the Democrat party that’s the culprit, plenty of Repugs were in on it. Warp Speed Jab, get it, it has saved millions of lives Trump says. Glad I don’t have that jab hanging over my head.
We are starting to live the dystopic vision of Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World with all the free soma and free sex with anybody and everybody and every other form of entertainment and when you die you are immediately cremated and forgotten about like you never even existed. I am John the barbarian and will not willingly participate in the world’s dystopic madness!
They want us on drugs. Makes us easier to control.
Anymouse here…
Then the light bulb went on!
Speaking of addiction, I’m addicted to anything/everything I’ve done more than twice and enjoyed. Thus the addiction to IOTW with going to “chipping.” (Chipping defined as casual / recreational use of a drug. Yeah, that’s bullshit.)
Been lurking on the weekends and broke down and posted a comment “Anonymous.” And then it occurred to me that going forward I’ll do what I was accused of. My new presence will be just posting without the anonymous and no more Anymouse. Deceased!
Cisco Kid, he was (NOT) a friend of mine…
Give them what they want
If you think it’s bad now take the forty minutes to watch previews of coming attractions.
With the lack of commenting I hope this works as we ain’t got the edit anymore…
Heroin is fine. Just stay away from those menthol cigarettes.
Drugged out and playing video games is what they have articulated at the World Economic Forum is what they see as the place they have envisioned for “useless eaters.” Marxism is straight up materialism, put into practice. Where people are resources to be exploited. Democrats fought a war to exploit others for their own gain and almost the entire Republican establishment has joined them under the umbrella of progressivism. Constitutional conservatives are the only exception any longer. Marxism is progressivism is Marxism and that is the home of subhuman pieces of shit who buy into that political philosophy. I mean that literally and without exception, anyone who does not actively oppose these monsters is complicit and owns this shit. Progressivism is pure unadulterated filth and no one who buys into any of it given the history of what the bastards have accomplished is worthy of conceding good intentions to. They cannot claim good intentions when they are willfully ignorant of the history of the 20th century and the hundreds of millions of innocent human beings the progressive movement arrogantly helped to slaughter. Totally undeserving of any consideration of them being well intended, but misguided. Unless and until people recognize the subhuman pieces of shit for what they are this will continue.
they’re fucking junkies
they don’t care about anything other than getting high or getting their next fix.
and our justus system allows being high as a mitigating defense for criminal, often violent, behavior.
screw them
@ Wambam MAY 29, 2022 AT 9:54 AM
I wonder if libtards know they and their children are nothing more than lab rats to the Democrat party.
Absolutely they do. Not only do they know it, they are absolutely no different than the Aztec “parents” who offered up their offspring for sacrifice to the Aztec gods. I mean that literally. Progressivism is their religion and this is how they show their devotion. I’ve lived close enough to the fuckers to have observed and considered their motivation in context of their actions. It is by their acts that you will know them.
This particular article is about the two recent massacres, but the bigger topic is about the sickness of America – which includes drug addiction – and the grand design of a liberal “utopian” America. And to Wambam’s point, they do consider the plebe’s to be nothing more than lab rats.
@ stirrin the FJB Pot MAY 29, 2022 AT 12:02 PM
As a kid in the 1960’s I could recognize the bullshit Utopian paradise that the hippie bullshitters were pointing to as pretext to go exactly where they took the country. I was called a reactionary and Bircher by my own mother, and didn’t have any real objection to being so labeled. History has pretty much validated my conclusions. These are not unintended consequences, they are features, and they are not well intentioned, they are wicked, evil, scheming, subhuman pieces of shit hell bent on increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death.
Safe injection sites is a myth and a lie.
A young woman here in Maine had established what she called the “Church of Safe Injection”.
She died of overdose at age 33.
Addiction is a sad, sad thing to be caught in.
This ad is disgusting.
Fentanyl is whats killing these days, China is not alone here! Everything is cut with it. Do drugs say your goodbyes, kids don’t care, think their immortal,till their not.
The government wants to empower us…
…to death.
Take note of the black-minority woman the sinister and fake gov Hochul, bribed and corrupt mayor Eric Adams, and the ever-scheming NYC Health Dept have posted. The known and career white supremacist Joe Biden must be laughing his cryptkeeper azz off.