When the rubber meets the road, Democrats choose a white guy – IOTW Report

When the rubber meets the road, Democrats choose a white guy

Patriot Retort: Say, did you see whom the Democrats chose to give the SOTU response next week?

Well, hang on to your hats. The “Diversity is our Strength” Party chose the white guy.


Wow. That guy is so white he’s translucent.

So, let’s see if we can follow the bouncing ball.

Last weekend, the Democrats rushed to pander to the Women’s March – letting them know that The Future is Female.

But did they choose a female to give the SOTU response?

Nope. They chose a white guy.

In early January, the DNC sent out this tweet: MORE

27 Comments on When the rubber meets the road, Democrats choose a white guy

  1. We should not allow this. I’m serious. If you Tweet start one of those dumb ass hashtag campaigns. We need at least a woman of color. I don’t care if she’s purple. Why are we letting Conan O’Brien’s kid respond?

  2. Probably weak in the brain department but he does have a nice smile. Liberals love nice smiles and good manners, as you all well know.
    At least they did not choose Cory Booker. That would have been a humdinger. MAGA!

  3. Wow. So there are Kennedys still alive?

    Will he arrive in a brand new 1959 Edsel?

    Maybe he can talk about French Indochina.
    And the Sputnik threat. And this recent news about this Rosa Parks bus seat controversy.

    And will the broadcast be in normal black and white, or will they be experimenting with this newfangled Color Television thing?

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