When they know you poop your pants… – IOTW Report

When they know you poop your pants…

17 Comments on When they know you poop your pants…

  1. 1st response at Twitter says there is no such thing as an alpha male. HAHAHA-with the proof right in front of their eyes!

    RR famously nailed it when he said, “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”

  2. Urinary incontinence and diarrhea are common side effects of certain medications used to treat Alzheimer’s. Just saying. The dude is pissing and shitting himself constantly. The pope prolly wasn’t the first world leader to be there when the dude shat himself. Everyone. Knows.

  3. We just watched it on Prime (I know, I know).
    I still laugh even though I know it by heart.
    “You take the blonde, I’ll take the one in the turban.”
    So many wonderful actors who filled our lives with laughter. I appreciate being able to see them still!

  4. I see they look dignified & business like in Argentina, but that looks like Ringling Brothers personnel underneath.
    “Leader of the free world”, yet the other clowns appear to be keeping their distance.

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