When Weakling Lefties Attack It’s Pretty Comical – IOTW Report

When Weakling Lefties Attack It’s Pretty Comical

A lefty attacked a man for asking some questions. The way he was brushed away is pretty funny.

17 Comments on When Weakling Lefties Attack It’s Pretty Comical

  1. Wasn’t the first time little Lefty Lennie thar’s been put down… there was that time he went to the bar and sat next to a tall blonde. He ordered a Bud Light and said to her: “Hey honey! Wadya say to a little fuk?”

    She looked down at him and said “Hello you little fuck!”

  2. The question was valid but his timing was not. He was disrupting the speaker and should have backed-off as soon as she asked him to hold his question until after she finished her presentation. For not backing down, he should rightly have been tossed out of the meeting.

    The little guy going for the throat wasn’t well thought out. Waiting for security or the police would have been more appropriate and legal, and likely the response the instigator was anticipating.

  3. The questioner started as asshole. The twerp relieved him of that status. Lame on both sides, though the question is a very pertinent and valid one, which is swept under any handy rug whenever it appears.

  4. Dan K AT 12:59 PM
    Why isn’t the audience shocked and aghast when the aggressor first put hands on? They’re only concerned when a guy defends himself, not when he’s attacked.

    Dead give away what the audience is comprised of. They be backasswards lefties.


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