When Whataboutism Matters – IOTW Report

When Whataboutism Matters

16 Comments on When Whataboutism Matters

  1. How do you unintentionally commit plagiarism? You either know you are copying words almost verbatim or you don’t. What he meant to say was “I unintentionally got caught plagiarizing.”

    When I was in college I had an English instructor who was highly regarded in the field. He was asked to evaluate a proposed text book. In that book was a poem that was supposedly written by a student of the author.

    My instructor recognized the poem. It had been published in an obscure poetry magazine that had maybe fifty subscribers — one of them being my instructor.

  2. The Democrat Party hadn’t fully become the Organized Crime Syndicate they have achieved today. And of course, the news media back then wasn’t just one of their many cons and schemes and scams to launder and extort money and influence.

  3. he’s a corrupt lying sack of shit
    and he raised a son that is an international criminal, too
    I know it, and so do the world’s leaders, be they good or bad
    everybody knows
    that’s how it goes

  4. “I’d be glad to sit down and compare my IQ to yours…”

    Reporter should have accepted the challenge. Pretty sure they couldn’t measure an IQ as low as Joe’s.

  5. “Pretty sure they couldn’t measure an IQ as low as Joe’s.”

    I don’t know … can they measure the IQ of a lump of dog shit?
    They claim that Fetterman is “fully functioning” – so they must be a able to measure the IQ of asparagus.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. On the other hand, “you’re a dog faced pony soldier” and “let me start off with two words – made in America” and “more than half of the women in my administration are women” sound like Biden originals.

  7. Should probably point out that this feckless Jackass was plagiarizing, scheming and cheating his way thru college and STILL wound up in the bottom of his class and that continued throughout his whole political life until finally someone decided to use him as low IQ wrecking ball. Bottom line, dog shit has no competition compared to him!

  8. Our nation is a laughingstock 0because a laughingstock was installed as president. Our political and bureaucratic betters did this to us. This is the result of allowing a short circuiting of the political process and the system will continue to malfunction as long as we are unable to repair it. How much damage is done to human civilization is anybody’s guess but there is a point that is rapidly approaching were we won’t be able to recover what is being destroyed.

    Weakness invites aggression and we have yet to fully experience that truism.


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