When Will Democrat-Voting Liberal Jews Realize the Left Hates Them? – IOTW Report

When Will Democrat-Voting Liberal Jews Realize the Left Hates Them?

The left likes to say, as a insult and an admonishment, that someone is voting against their own interests.

When will Jews realize the left hates Jews?


The great betrayal tearing the Democrats to shreds: ALAN DERSHOWITZ says vile Leftist anti-Israeli hate will turn millions of American Jews from Blue to Red – and he’s one.


23 Comments on When Will Democrat-Voting Liberal Jews Realize the Left Hates Them?

  1. “When will Jews realize the left hates Jews?”

    Orthodox Jews already know this, it is the secular Jews, the progressive Jews who still think the ACLU and ADL are still relevant and still a voice of reason, these mostly Godless Jews still adhere to all the left’s talking points about racism, inequality, and wealth transfer.

    Dershowitz is a smart guy, and I don’t envy the angst and betrayal he must feel, but I doubt he will ever vote red no matter how exposed the left is in their hatred for his people.

  2. At least a part of the problem is that Jews aren’t always Jewish. Their enemies don’t make the distinction. There are cultural and religious Jews, then there are the socialists who fled oppressive policies of kings and other tyrants, and are pretty sure that the Anglo-Saxon WASPs hate them, not realizing that the Demoncraps are synonomous with the Klan, but just ask them and they will tell you that they are Jews, and every ill that befalls then is because of this. Oy vey!

    Yeah, it’s way more complicated than that, even in Israel (where was that “peace” concert again?).

  3. As a Jew, I can say that liberal Jews are narcissistic or still suffering from generational Stockholm Syndrome. Just look at our dumb whore VP’s half-Jewish daughter who’s donating to Hama. There is no greater danger to world Jewrey than liberal Jews. And non-Jews, never forget: Jews are the canary in the coal mine. After the Jews, they’re coming for Christians, gays and everyone except the Muslims.

  4. I am conflicted about the Jews. I’ve seen lots of articles and quotes that say they hate us Christians and America. That they run the banks and thus the world. Bidens upper echelon and big biz corporatology is full of them. I’ve seen an equal number that say they are the good guys and Gods’ chosen.
    What is the truth?
    I do know muslims are murdering scum.

  5. Blacks, Latinos, Asians, men, women, actual human voters, anyone who supports the jackass party in any way. I’m not saying the Republicans are any great shacks, but no lynching or church/synagogue bombing can be attributed to them.

  6. Blacks, Latinos, Asians, men, women, actual human voters, anyone who supports the jackass party in any way. I’m not saying the Republicans are any great shakes, but no lynching or church/synagogue bombing can be attributed to them.

  7. When will Jews realize the left hates Jews?

    Most Jews I know of are all lefties themselves and vote in their own demise. I think they hate themselves. Their culture has seen nothing but one holocaust after another since God told Moses to part the Red Sea. Even then, the Jews were still unhappy.

  8. All of this is quite easy to understand but it seems no one is willing to shut up long enough to listen.

    Israel is full of secular Jews who are Jewish-ish based on a shared culture. Many Jews went “back” to Israel in 1948, not because they saw and believed in the promise kept by God as His People, but because they are culturally Jewish in the same way many (too many) Americans are culturally Christian. They enjoy and participate in Jewish holidays in the same way American cultural Christians participate in Christian holidays. Here it mostly expresses itself as Chreaster, in which Americans attend church at Christmas and Easter, only. And just like culturally Jewish counterparts, there are a proportionate number of Americans who confess belief in God and Jesus, but who vote the Left, knowing full well that Democrats support abortion. They don’t attend church, read the Bible, or have a relationship with God.

  9. …and I worry sometimes when ignorant, straight-ticket, life-long, Democrats start talking about switching to Republican. Haven’t we already seen what they do when they move out their voted-for hellholes and to greener, conservative pastures? They never get that it’s their overall behavior that supports the Left and ruins everything!

  10. Rule of thumb about political inclinations of my Jewish clients: The more orthodox they are, the more common sense conservative they are.

    All the rabbis I take care of are conservative.

    All the JINOs are lefties and aren’t using their brains.

  11. Fucking Irish are no better. My family risk their lives and fortune standing up for them and a critical mass of the worthless fuckers can’t wait to be under the heel of tyranny. I’m a descendant of Irish gentry and my family stood up against the British and lost fortunes and had their health ruined after being imprisoned in British prisons.

  12. Never.
    Read the Old Testament.
    Read History.
    Jews repeatedly embraced Baal, Moloch, and Astaroth briefly returning to the Lord God Almighty.
    They lick the fingers of their oppressors.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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