When Will People Catch On That This Guy Is an Affirmative Action Joke? – IOTW Report

When Will People Catch On That This Guy Is an Affirmative Action Joke?

They are beginning to catch on that he has a major character flaw —

ht/ petrus

39 Comments on When Will People Catch On That This Guy Is an Affirmative Action Joke?

  1. Am I missing something? Why is “contact light” considered “a statement related to the state of the vessel” not a comment and “Houston… the Eagle has landed” the opposite, when its another “state of the vessel”?

  2. Good God, the man is an asshat. If “Contact, light” is not a comment, (with which by definition I would agree.) then neither is: “Houston, Tranquility Base here, the Eagle has landed” (They are both statements.)

    Note to the self proclaimed genius: “base” is capitalized when part of a proper noun and it’s capitalization does not require any extra characters.

  3. 1) Isn’t “Affirmative Action joke” redundant?

    2) I coulda *sworn* the first words – per revised and updated Wikipedia – were, “Dat be one small step fo Da Man, one big ass step fo homie.”
    (I always believe what I read on the internet)

  4. NDGT needs to check his Funk & Wagnall’s – in all fairness, that’s probably his white privilege ancestry that makes him so arrogant….
    a verbal or written remark expressing an opinion or reaction:
    “you asked for comments on the new proposals”
    synonyms: remark · observation · statement · utterance · pronouncement · [more]
    express (an opinion or reaction):
    “the review commented that the book was agreeably written” · [more]
    synonyms: remark on · speak about · talk about · discuss · mention · remark · [more]

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