When Will They Move In On Hillary? – IOTW Report

When Will They Move In On Hillary?


The Clinton Foundation has faced allegations of corruption, and accepting billions in donations in exchange for influence at the highest levels of government through Hillary Clinton’s position as Secretary of State.

Well now FoxNews has uncovered actionable proof of this corruption, and it could not come at a worse time for Hillary.

Turns out the State Department sought a land deal with a Nigerian firm which donated millions to the Clinton Foundation.

And a huge document trail has been unearthed that exposes the entire sordid affair.

There is no way to spin this for the FBI and U.S. Attorneys investigating the Foundation…this one stinks to high heaven.

From Fox News:

Shortly after Hillary Clinton left the Obama administration, the State Department quietly took steps to purchase real estate in Nigeria from a firm whose parent company is owned by a major donor to the Clinton Foundation, records obtained by Fox News show.

22 Comments on When Will They Move In On Hillary?

  1. “no way to spin this” Are you serious? Not only will they spin it as a non story, in the end she’ll be praised for her outstanding leadership abilities. Besides, didn’t Trump say something that offended somebody today. Now THAT’S a story!

  2. “There is no way to spin this for the FBI and U.S. Attorneys investigating the Foundation.”
    Haven’t heard anything from the US Attorney or the professional, non-partisan FBI.

    Just watch what happens with the main stream media and hillary’s campaign. Spin city and prepared talking points.

  3. …the GOPers are scared to death of the Klintons, they will never do anything against them, because they are involved in Klintons crooked deals. Traitors will go down with or will be blackmailed by the Klintons!

  4. It’s just scandal upon scandal upon short circuit upon medical rumor upon medical rumor……and yet Hillary just keeps rolling towards the White House like some demented relation of the Energizer Bunny, ceaselessly banging on his annoying little drum.

  5. This election is like a Rod Serling piece from the Twilight Zone.

    There is an unusually corrupt political dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as the Clinton Foundation and as timeless as greed. It is the middle ground between slavery and tyranny, between propaganda and leftist dogma, and it lies between pandering to an uniformed electorate, and the emasculation of well deserved indictments. This is the dimension of democratic politics. It is an area which we call … The 2016 Presidential Election Zone.

  6. I haven’t heard the phrases “Scandal Fatigue” and “Clinton Legal Defense Fund” in almost twenty years. I have a hunch we are about to hear them both again, ad nauseam.

  7. What if….Obama let’s her get busted just a day or two before the election, riots and chaos break out, he declares martial law to keep the peace and declares Trump unfit for the office and sits as dictator.

  8. yonkers; It’s just scandal upon scandal upon short circuit upon medical rumor upon medical rumor……and yet Hillary just keeps rolling towards the White House like some demented relation of the Energizer Bunny, ceaselessly banging on his annoying little drum.
    Add in murder upon murder….lie upon lie….cackle upon cackle….
    It is nauseating.

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