When You Knock On My Door – IOTW Report

When You Knock On My Door

Pulling a little Halloween prank on door-to-door salespeople.



I wished I’d of had one of these when that pesky Census worker kept showing up asking all kinds of intrusive questions.

9 Comments on When You Knock On My Door

  1. Back in my stupid late 20s, I went to the door with an awful ghoul mask, all dressed in black with my black cape, holding a lit candle under my face. Scared the tar out of the young trick-or-treaters and got me a new one chewed by one of the kid’s fathers. Oops. I then nixed the mask – and the candle, but kept playing the “music” with the screams tape DH and I made.

  2. I have a 2″ tall red background against white NO SOLICITORS sign, it works well. However I need to add more words underneath, something like. & NO PROSELYTIZING!

    The no solicitors sign only works on some people I guess.

  3. I wired 110v to the brass doorbell button. I told the cops, responding to a complaint from a Girl Scout’s mother last year, I meaning to “get that fixed.” I’m going to wait now until after the 2020 Census.

    I can’t wait until tomorrow night…HALLOWEEN.

  4. Get a dog that barks when anybody knocks on the door.
    Works great.
    If it’s a friend, they already know the dog.
    But if it’s a ‘solicitor’, they usually move on to friendlier territory.

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