When you no longer have shared goals with the left, you’re at war – IOTW Report

When you no longer have shared goals with the left, you’re at war

Owen Benjamin for Prager U

10 Comments on When you no longer have shared goals with the left, you’re at war

  1. It’s obvious the goals of the socialist/corporate leadership are insidious. All indicators and evidence point to the eradication of western/Christian values and white culture. Which brings me to the border situation. Anyone else notice that the HUGE majority of illegal immigrants are military aged young men, similar to the muslim invasion of Europe? The left is bringing in these recruits to fight us when the time is right and I wouldn’t be surprised if MS13 were to become their leaders. What? Did you think the soy-boy antifa crowd was going to fight? They are nothing more than a distraction along with the other distractions reported on by the mainstream media and yes, even Fox. The elephant in the room is growing at a rapid pace. The plan that NO ONE wants to talk about is EXTERMINATION. We are currently being spoken to with soft soothing voices (Northam) and are “kept comfortable”. People, we are dealing with EVIL.

  2. The left needs to be totally eradicated and destroyed root and branch before they get a chance to destroy us. No quarter, no surrender, no accommodation of their evil ideology but a total wipeout like we did to the Nazi’s and the Imperial Japanese in World War 2.. And then maybe we can breathe easier but it may take a civil war to do it and God’s help. We have no other choice and I for one refuse to live under their domination and will disobey and fight the left until my dying breath.

  3. @geoff the aardvark February 5, 2019 at 11:54 am

    > it may take a civil war to do it

    Yeah. Good luck with that. (Even if you get a “better” “do over” on the last kerfuffle.)

  4. We were once led to believe that the right and the left wanted the same things, there is simply disagreement on how to do it.
    We now know that has been fake news for a very long time indeed. DNC – Deception Not Compromise

  5. @CC February 5, 2019 at 12:48 pm

    While I agree with you sentiment, I’ve got to point out that it was never the Democrats who were lying to the people, about their intent.

  6. @Anonymous, that’s not true. Democrats have been lying to get elected forever. And then there are the democrats who pretend to be conservative so they can get elected to represent the republican party. It is only in the last several years that people in larger numbers are realizing that there is a HUGE difference between what they say and what they do. And waking up to the fact that the MSM are just a bunch of propagandizing liars.

  7. The left owns pop culture. Breitbart pointed this out years ago. So it’s not just the news readers and writers, it has metastasized throughout movies, tv, late night comedy, and of course, panhandler TV and radio, commonly referred to as PBS and NPR. The people have had their brains manipulated for so long that they are nonfunctional.

    What else can explain the music, face tattoos of any tattoos, tide pod eating, and perversions too numerous to catalog?


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