When you think you’re sounding progressive but end up sounding like a bigot.. – IOTW Report

When you think you’re sounding progressive but end up sounding like a bigot..

Hollywood dunce, ex-Johnny Depp bint-

19 Comments on When you think you’re sounding progressive but end up sounding like a bigot..

  1. Going to give your cotton pickers a ride home too while you are at it? Never know where you might find a bunch of good old Democrats with a rope in their hand and hood over their heads.

  2. I only know this name b/c she was attached to Johnny Depp. That being the case, I’d say that being married to Johnny Depp, at least temporarily, certainly doesn’t give her a moral soap box to stand on. If anything, it only shows her poor judgment in picking a good man.

    The arrogance and stupidity of those who live in the Hollywood bubble is immeasurable.

  3. WAH! What about poor laundry boy? Washee washee all day and no lide home?
    I get turban man who work at 7-ereven and we sue. Wife paint nail all day and left behind for ICEE man to kidnap her. Dis is no country foh’ old stereotypes!

  4. I think they should give them a ride home.
    ALL the way home. Make sure you have enough gas and your papers are in order.

    It must be nice for them in hollywood, having serfs and all.

  5. Oh, so that’s who she is. I read a James Woods’ tweet calling her “alimony millionaire, but I couldn’t remember who or what she is, and I avoid searching for them because I think it’d increase their popularity.

    I remember that Ozzy Osborne’s daughter on TV saying something like “Who’s gonna clean up your toilets, Mr Trump?”

  6. I’ll never understand why anyone listens to these dumb bastards in Hollywood who can’t even wind their own wristwatch without personal assistants, personal trainers, house-keepers, chauffeurs, accountants, consultants and psychiatrists, living messy lives traipsing through the revolving doors of divorce courts, bankruptcy courts, custody courts, criminal courts and rehab centers while drinking cold-brewed coffee, eating arugula salads and steaming their vaginas (men included) while preaching to us, the average, hard-working, Church-going, God-respecting, over-taxed payer, how to live OUR lives, what we should eat, how to raise our kids, what kind of energy we need, what kind of electric clown-car we should be driving, what we are allowed to hear, see and say and, of course, who to vote for!


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