When You Treat Terrorists Like Common Criminals – IOTW Report

When You Treat Terrorists Like Common Criminals

Tammy Bruce

I’ve bumped this up yet again because a NY judge has ordered the ‘compassionate release’ of terror lawyer Lynne Stewart.

A federal judge has ordered the release of Lynne Stewart, a terminally ill former defense lawyer convicted of assisting terrorism…

Why do we show compassion for monsters like this? Is this another of Obama’s slaps in the face to the current Egyptian government, and a love note to the terrorists in the Muslim Brotherhood?

Previously posted:

I’ve bumped this old post in light of the Obama administration’s shocking decision to try the 9/11 terrorists in a New York civilian court. Does anyone remember what happened the last time we tried this? Also, see David Horowitz’s editorial, “The Worst Decision by a US President in History”:

The decision to try the jihadists in a civilian court is also a decision which will divulge America’s security secrets to the enemy since civilian courts afford defendants the right of discovery. It is also a propaganda gift to Islamic murderers who will turn the courtroom into a media circus to promote their hatred against the Great Satan — a hatred shared by their apologists at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the pro-Castro Center for Constitutional Rights who have pioneered the campaign against Guantanamo and whose influence in the Obama Administration is pervasive. (BTW, The newly appointed lawyer for the president is the husband of Obama’s recently departed Maoist communications director Anita Dunn.)



16 Comments on When You Treat Terrorists Like Common Criminals

  1. I can’t recall the quotation, but something to the effect that compassion in the public sphere isn’t compassion at all.

    Releasing terror sympathizers only encourages the terrorists – see Ho Chi Minh, Ayatollah Khomeini, and Nelson Mandela. Had each of them been executed in a timely manner, many lives would have been spared.

  2. Reminds me of the Lockerbie terrorist that Great Britain released “compassionately” to Libya. He was supposed to live for 3 more months and lived at least a couple of years. Despicable

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