When your house is simultaneously on fire and floating away in a flood, it’s time to call your insurance agent – IOTW Report

When your house is simultaneously on fire and floating away in a flood, it’s time to call your insurance agent

This was in West Virginia. Click into post for video.

14 Comments on When your house is simultaneously on fire and floating away in a flood, it’s time to call your insurance agent

  1. Back in the late 80’s there was a humorous card with a picture on the front of a psychiatric hospital on fire and being swept away in a flood. The inside inscription read: “It’s business as usual on this end. How are you?”

    I never thought I’d see something so close to that. I pray for the families who have been affected by this terrible flood.

  2. I see it as a win-win for the homeowner. If they didn’t have flood insurance, they would surely have fire insurance. Kinda like living in earthquake country. Your house falls off its foundation but catches on fire! We’re covered.

  3. As an Insurance Adjuster, that film is excellent evidence for a fire claim that precedes flood damage.
    Kind of hard to argue that it caught fire floating in the river in the rain

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