Where are all the men??? – IOTW Report

Where are all the men???

American Thinker:
By Breason Jacak

On May 28, Sky News Australia posted a video titled “New York bearing signs of ‘societal decay.'”  The video shows a man (who seems as if he is on drugs) entering a train car and sitting next to a young woman.  He then touches her without consent, grabs her, drags her around a bit, and generally is an extremely unpleasant nuisance.  He eventually leaves her alone and proceeds to try to kick out one of the windows.

During the video, the young woman is seen looking at other passengers, with obvious worry in her eyes, begging somebody to please “help me.”  Nobody tries to help her.  The news anchor, Rita Panahi, asks the question, “Where are the men?”

If I had to guess, they were standing in their place, checking their male privilege, toning down their toxic masculinity, and coping with how their Time’s Up.  Perhaps the men wanted a demonstration of how women are actually the stronger sex.  Perhaps the threat level just did not seem that high to them; New York has a duty to retreat, after all.  Besides, New York has been in the habit of arresting those who defend themselves.

Most likely, the men who were on the train did not care about this woman.  They did not know her and were not likely to ever get to know her.  How could it be worth it for these men to possibly be killed or maimed (it is unknown if the aggressor had a knife) for the sake of someone who may as well not exist to them? more

40 Comments on Where are all the men???

  1. New York has created a miserable environment to live in. They vote for it, they support it, and it will be their very own shithole until the majority says “ENOUGH”!

  2. Another thought, no thinking man is going to kick young bloods ass with all the damn cell phones recording it. You would be just asking for jail time in that city.

  3. If you go after that crazy mofo you’re more than likely gonna have to put him on the ground and incapacitate him. If you have to do it alone and unarmed would be risky. Cold cock the SOB and hope the first punch does the job.

  4. “The news anchor, Rita Panahi, asks the question, “Where are the men?””

    How many times do men need to be lectured about “toxic masculinity” and that “women are just as capable as men” before they start giving women exactly what they claim to want? Well, you got it, and you’re welcome to it. It’s not our fault if you suddenly decide you don’t like it.

  5. Aren’t domestic disputes one of more hazardous parts of policing? Why in the world would a civilian insert themselves, armed or not, between two unknown persons?

  6. NYC has been in societal decal for some years and is nearing full completion of its own downfall. The dung pile never recovered from the 911 terrorists attacks because NY politicians didn’t want any recovery and installed the kicking out of the low-income into the East River for hyper-gentrifying. (think billionaire former mayor Michael Bloomberg and Manhattan-based George Soros).

  7. joe6pak says Australia just rolled over. No. They did not. Remember the street marched and protests? There, in Canada, cities in Europe, and elsewhere there were massive rallies and protests of government.

    The upshot was zip, zilch, nada, nothing. Down the memory hole.

    The New World Order does not hear protests, does not respond, or change direction as a result. Protests are not reported by media. They achieve no existential status in society.

    Where the men are is the same place as where civil rights are – nowhere, man.

  8. If a white man so much as dared to intervene in any manner with a black man’s constitutional right to grope. NYC would have the cracker in chains as soon as the train stopped.

    Aussies should research NYC a bit more before yammering about the duties of men.

  9. Any man who stepped in to help in that situation would leave himself open to complete social ruin by the twin forces of government and niggerdom, both of which stand firmly behind that filthy nigger asshole abusing that woman. It’s as simple as that. Do the right thing with a nigger involved, and get destroyed either by the niggers or by the government who firmly backup the niggers. That’s what kind of a shithole society NYC is at its core.

  10. Brad
    JUNE 2, 2022 AT 12:08 AM
    “Another thought, no thinking man is going to kick young bloods ass with all the damn cell phones recording it. You would be just asking for jail time in that city.”

    …interesting how they can spend massive time and effort to track down and prosecte anyone who steps up, but never do any of that about the actual thug…

  11. What’s the definition of a man in this nation? When an incoming SCOTUS Justice can’t define what a woman is, how are we to define a man?

    This is the world the progressives have created. From time to time they show some regret but it’s fleeting.

    Alinsky’s rule #4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

  12. Did she vote Democrat?

    I bet she voted Democrat.

    “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
    Galatians 6:7

    …and so it is for a woman as well.

    However Democrats are defining one today.

  13. New York, New York; the Big Rotten Apple.
    Seen it thrice. Wouldn’t go back for love or money.
    Giant cesspool full of shit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  14. What woman? Nowadays, most women can’t even tell you what makes up a woman. Hell, they claim they can even have penises and men can get pregnant. Just a long haired something that most likely voted democrat. Move along.

  15. The men are out here in the countryside and the small towns, driving trucks, making stuff and fixing things. And they don’t subject their wives, daughters, or girlfriends to public transportation.

  16. …The New York Women’s Fantasy Subway Song.


    “Where have all the good men gone
    And where are all the gods?
    Where’s the streetwise Hercules
    To fight the rising odds?
    Isn’t there a white knight upon a fiery steed
    Late at night, I toss and I turn
    And I dream of what I need
    I need a hero
    I’m holding out for a hero ’til the end of the night
    He’s gotta be strong, and he’s gotta be fast
    And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight
    I need a hero
    I’m holding out for a hero ’til the morning light
    He’s gotta be sure, and it’s gotta be soon
    And he’s gotta be larger than life
    Larger than life”
    -Bonnie Tyler, “Holding Out For A Hero”

    (but in NY, more likely to get a Gyro).

  17. Ghost of Burner
    JUNE 2, 2022 AT 9:13 AM
    “How do we know it was a ‘woman’ that was accosted?”

    …because that’s what the media told us to support the narrative they want to tell.

    They will make it whatever suits their purposes at the time.

    And since they have the microphone and you do not, that’s the only version most people will ever know.

    Soon to be actively enforced by Homeland Security.

  18. Man or woman, be prepared to protect yourself. Pepper spray, knife or concealed carry.
    It is your responsibility to protect yourself in this selfish, evil era.
    Reliance on others to do what you fail to do will get you beaten, raped or murdered.

  19. Little Morphin’ Annie
    JUNE 2, 2022 AT 8:42 AM
    “The men are out here in the countryside and the small towns, driving trucks, making stuff and fixing things. And they don’t subject their wives, daughters, or girlfriends to public transportation.”

    …and they are deliberately destroying the fuel supply to force you to the cities and onto public transportation, the better to control you with, because Communist like to put people where they want and will force you to stay where your put.

    See Shanghai, Peking, etc. for a fuller view of the future planned for you.

    Assuming they let you live at all, of course…

  20. What Cato said.
    No one is coming. Be ready.
    Don’t go to stupid places at stupid times with stupid people. You might get away with breaking one rule, but probably not two.

  21. you lost me somewhere between toxic masculinity and fear of commitment. it is my belief that the fear of commitment cows are of the 24 cats, fur died purple, a hundred copies of Bride magazine spread all over the house sort of person.

  22. Where are all the men?

    I can see there are none left in NYC.

    Don’t bother looking on the police farce in Uvalde, TX either. Not a single one to be found there either.

  23. There can be no “Byzantine generals” solution, to rulership by two. Christian men are feminists. Women are feminists. If you don’t want to live under feminism, that’s fine. But there can be no “minimal feminism”. No “just fair feminism”. Certainly no, “feminism is cancer, but my Little Princess needs options — because good men, are feminists”.

    Women’s rights are human rights. And humans are created equal. Goddess speed, you feorce valkyries!

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