Where Are Republicans On The House IT Scandal? – IOTW Report

Where Are Republicans On The House IT Scandal?

DC: The two months that have passed since the August 17 indictment of Imran Awan and his wife Hina Alvi, former technology staffers for Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL), have yielded little except more mystery.

The mainstream media has largely ignored the story. Most of what we know has been reported by Luke Rosiak in the The Daily Caller. The revelations have become a staple of conservative media, providing fuel for a social media brushfire. In apparent response, an informal hearing was held on October 10 by a handful of members of the Freedom Caucus. The lead witness was Rosiak who complained of an “extraordinary level of silence from official channels” about the scandal.

You would think that House Republican leaders would give the Awan mess a much bigger stage. This GOP disinterest is the biggest mystery of all. The media and Democrats in Congress created a frenzy over vague accusations that Russia interfered with last year’s presidential election. They were always short on specifics, but they did have one, the publication of Wasserman-Schultz’ emails by WikiLeaks.

Then came along the reports that the Awans had access to all of the electronic data for a score of Democrats, including members of the House Intelligence and Homeland Security Committees. Imran Awan is even alleged to have the password to Wasserman-Schultz’ iPad. Maybe the Wasserman-Schultz emails didn’t come from the Russians as Wikileaks has always maintained, or if they did, perhaps they were first stolen by someone else.

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16 Comments on Where Are Republicans On The House IT Scandal?

  1. My most optimistic hope is that they are “timing” their release/attack to maximize leverage of the 2018 midterm elections.

    But, YES, I concur with every single ounce of frustration about Sessions (thank God Trump didn’t “lateral” him into the head of DHS!).

  2. When you have leadership(?) in the house (Ryan) rolling over for the democrats and obstructing Trump’s and America’s agenda it is little wonder nothing has come of this act of treason.

    The DOJ and FBI remain an arm of the Obama & Clinton syndicate filled with progressive political operatives obstructing real investigations.

  3. Sessions is avoiding going after these people like a man afraid that something that would be devastating about him is being held over his head. Of all the people up there, he’s the biggest disappointment for me.

  4. @ joe6pak
    The DOJ needed a Legal Bulldog to take a bite out of crime, fight corruption and illegal pay to play, it appears we have a Swamp Chihuahua humping Harvey Weinstein’s leg……

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