Where are the damn fact-checkers in the leftwing MSM? – IOTW Report

Where are the damn fact-checkers in the leftwing MSM?

Here is a list of Kamala Harris lies during debate. Go HERE to see the truth.

Political Pistachio

 Lie: 210,000 dead people in our country in just the last several months (due to COVID-19).

Lie: Over 30 million people filed for unemployment during the last month.

Lie: In January the Trump administration knew the dangers of the coronavirus and did not tell the American Public…imagine if you knew on January 28th? … they knew and they covered it up.

Lie: The President said it [the coronavirus] was a hoax.

Lie: “You know this administration took the word ‘science’ off the website?”

 Lie: They still don’t have a plan.

 Lie: Donald Trump paid $750 in taxes.

Lie: [Donald Trump] passed a tax bill benefiting the top 1% and the biggest corporations of America.

 Lie: Trump’s tax cuts led to a two trillion dollar deficit.

many more lies HERE

ht/ marco

12 Comments on Where are the damn fact-checkers in the leftwing MSM?

  1. The public are being stuffed with a diet of lies by the Dementiacrats and their Ministry of Propaganda. It all started decades ago, but it became a way of life during the Osmidgen-Obiden Administration. They are almost all Co-conspirators in the greatest political conspiracy in our country’s history. In four years time, if President Trump isn’t re-elected, they will have completed the Fundamental Destruction of this country. Give Obiden’s handlers four years and we won’t recognize this country.

  2. All these so called “impartial” media outlets are vying to be the next Pravda in a communist / socialist government. The last thing any of them are going to do is anything that steps outside of the official party line, because in the end their will be only one.

  3. Democrats are good at confusion and chaos…that is all they need. Mail in Ballots and legal filings plus 25th amendment and the Media….then Pelosi or Kammala depending upon who they decide will be stronger during the Purge…

  4. They already have this covered. They pre-announced that the debate would be fact-checked by “accepted fact checkers”.

    They baste their lies with lies before making a lie sandwich.


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