Where are the massive apologies for Steve Scalise now that the left’s zealousness was false? – IOTW Report

Where are the massive apologies for Steve Scalise now that the left’s zealousness was false?

Scalise offered this when told he spoke to a group of white supremacists –

“Twelve years ago, I spoke to many different Louisiana groups as a state representative, trying to build support for legislation that focused on cutting wasteful state spending, eliminating government corruption, and stopping tax hikes.  One of the many groups that I spoke to regarding this critical legislation was a group whose views I wholeheartedly condemn.  It was a mistake I regret, and I emphatically oppose the divisive racial and religious views groups like these hold. I am very disappointed that anyone would try to infer otherwise for political gain.”

Sounds like a reasonable apology from someone who can’t recall speaking to a particular group a decade ago. Scalise said he’s appalled if he unknowingly spoke to such a group because he doesn’t agree with divisive racial groups.

This apology wasn’t good enough for the

NY Times.

This pissant from Slate 422441_3532005383076_1360523198_3476718_1800782726_nsaid. “Most trees in Louisiana don’t have nooses in them, but there are enough racists, who are still voting, that politicians cater to them.”

Ezra Klein said –  The biggest question for Scalise’s future is whether there’s anything else. Now that Scalise’s speech to EURO has been found, and his comments about David Duke unearthed, political reporters are going to go looking for more. If this is the end of it, Scalise might be fine. If it isn’t, then his career is in jeopardy.

– 85dba59e16b7e7f7a9799e1b5c753808_400x400A jerk from the Daily Krotch, Jeff Singer, piled on and said –

House GOP Whip Steve Scalise addressed white supremacists in 2002, and is only now realizing it.


– 10885176_894366137270084_4157544435186009628_n This imbecile, named Manny Schewitz (get it?), said – As soon as Lamar White Jr’s shocking story on Congressman Steve Scalise (R-LA) and his association with the KKK broke, the usual flood of people came out to defend Rep. Scalise with the same tired old counter-accusations.

– Some crap site named freewoodpost had this – It would seem that House Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) has gotten himself into a bit of hot water. A bit of hot, deep, racist water – then they posted a top 10 list of “I’m not racist… but.”

Well, it turns out Steve Scalise never addressed any white supremacists.

So, where are the retractions and apologies?



14 Comments on Where are the massive apologies for Steve Scalise now that the left’s zealousness was false?

  1. And the racist meetings and speeches that REALLY happened, these dicks have no interest in. How about 0bama and CAIR, ISNA, Sharpton, Louise Farrakahn (dude is gay, he’ll have to come out eventually), revrum KKK White, Bill Ayers, and probably people we haven’t discovered yet. NO PROBLEM with those blatant racists and sexists?

    And what about the dems in congress who say Scalise is not a racist? Too much to speak to them, too?

  2. If the GOP doesn’t blow this bullshit out of the water and turn it on the NYT and their left wing cohorts, we are fucked.

    Remember, for twenty years obama listened to Jerimah Wright and never heard him say”God Damn America.”

  3. What Moe said. They need to be on their kissin’ kousins networks talking shit about the NYT, Slate and who ever else spread this bullshit. Well anyway, Scalise is about to find out who his friends are. I’ve already seen 2 Conservative blogs trashing him and comparing him to Sharpton. Let’s see how many on our side back track.

  4. The left media and liars and slanders like Klein, White and Singer will never apologize or retract when proven that they are wrong, lying or dissembling. They’ll move on to the next thing and if challenged will ignore or lie further. Scalise’s best defense now is a good offense and demand apologies from these low lifes as well as the media that ran the story. Of course they won’t but he can kep this in his hip pocket take out when he’s attacked again.

    I’m actually kind of surprised that Woodroff at Slate actually dug deeper and printed the truth. I suspect she was looking for more dirt and accidently stumbled across the truth but kudos to her for printing it.

  5. People thing that the First Amendment allows them to say anything they want, true or false, about anyone and any thing. Facts do not matter because this is some dumbass supposedly exercising their First Amendment right to free speech.

    This is an excellent example of how our public schools have programmed people with absolute BS, because all the First Amendment does is prevent Congress from passing laws restricting your free speech. If more people got a good bust in the chops for the stupid lying things they say, there would be a lot more civility in the world in general and that fat lip will give a loudmouth reason to think before he opens his pie hole again.

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