Where can a bear take a nap? – IOTW Report

Where can a bear take a nap?

Anywhere it wants to.

Independent Record: Napping bear removed from mudroom shelf in Missoula home.

A black bear was tranquilized and relocated Friday after letting himself into a Butler Creek residence, making himself at home, and giving law enforcement a chuckle.

The bear had somehow gotten into the house’s mudroom and locked himself inside, according to the Missoula County Sheriff’s Office. Deputies responded to the call at 5:45 a.m.

“The door had been ajar,” said Jamie Jonkel, wildlife management specialist with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. “He must have tested it and stepped inside.

“It wasn’t a full-fledged break in.”

h/t Forcibly Deranged.

7 Comments on Where can a bear take a nap?

  1. Up at Lake Tahoe, the bears find their way into homes – like breaking the door down, or a door to under the house where they find a place to hang out. I’ve also seen pics of mountain lions finding their way into homes as well – asleep on the couch! I’ve got a big buck hanging out at my house – 4 point antlers on each side of his head. He’s gotten really close to me as if he wants me to scratch his head. No way! He pretty tame. I’m not going to find out how tame he is….

  2. I’ve been on the Job for over 58 years…and I still see sh*t like this


  3. I ran across a black bear on the Appalachian trail when I was hiking solo. We scared the shit out of each other. He ran, I ran. It was a an uncomfortable night in my tent.
    Ya don’t get many adrenaline rushes like that.


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