Where Have All the Snow Crabs Gone? – IOTW Report

Where Have All the Snow Crabs Gone?

One BILLION missing from the Bering Sea.

Chad Prather thinks the most believable reason is that the government is taking out our food sources.

I’m sure that our “betters” are not going without.

18 Comments on Where Have All the Snow Crabs Gone?

  1. Well, lessee….Snow crabs have only been commercially fished for maybe 100 years and accurate fishing numbers kept for maybe 50 years….How do they know this isn’t a cyclical event such as when Mr. Snowcrab would like to get busy with Mrs. Snowcrab and she has a headache?….Maybe Alex Jones could put a study on it with the help of “Q”…

  2. Before anybody can eat them somebody’s gotta catch them first, and if they’re not there to be caught, no crab tonight.
    I know a guy in the industry and I think it would be impossible to poach that many crab without getting caught.
    Boats have transponders on them and they are tracked plus satellite. Not happening.

  3. Tie this story with the hundred plus food processing centers catching fire, aircraft crashes. Not one accident but two. What are the odds? I think the food processing centers are up to around 170+ closures in the past 12 months. Coincidences? Hardly. Orchestrated by design and now King crabs gone. Wake up people. They are going to starve us to death.

  4. SNAP Card Payments Increased 12.5%, so it’s not them.
    Social Security is supposed to increase 5.9% in January.
    So, the welfare state in society gets double over those that worked their whole life.
    Welfare – Vote Dem.
    Social Security – Conservative.
    Just more BS.


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