Where Have We Seen This Biden Townhall Questioner Before? (They Claim She is a Republican. You Decide.) – IOTW Report

Where Have We Seen This Biden Townhall Questioner Before? (They Claim She is a Republican. You Decide.)

They claim she is a republican. Sure she is. Sure.

We posted about this loon HERE

ht/ js

27 Comments on Where Have We Seen This Biden Townhall Questioner Before? (They Claim She is a Republican. You Decide.)

  1. Yup. She exhibits all of the characteristics of idiot lock step followers of the Republican establishment wing of The Party. I can’t stand the type and the feelings are mutual, they can’t stand me.

  2. A leftist misappropriating as a conservative while spreading misinformation about spreading misinformation about a fake vaccine asking fake questions to a fake president on a fake show?

    Sounds like an evil plan only a far-right racist whack-job conservative could hatch. *eyerollolol*

  3. @ joe FEBRUARY 2, 2022 AT 10:38 AM

    I see the same thing in transportation engineering. They can get in front of a room and perform a cheerleading routine in support of some bullshit project, but they cannot pass the professional licensing exam when it comes time. It’s been going on at WSDOT for at least 20 years that I have personal experience with.

  4. Anyone who doubts her Republican bonafides can and should spend a little time around some establishment Republican groups like the Eastside Republican Club https://www.eastsiderepublicanclub.org/

    There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever in my mind that she is or would be welcome in such a club, if not already an active member. Everything about her statements as well as her mannerisms are 100% consistent with her claims of being of that persuasion and there is not a thing in the public record that would contradict her claim.

    One cannot be an establishment Republican and also a Constitutional conservative, the values the Republican establishment hold and endorse make that relationship mutually exclusive. She claims to be a Republican and I am inclined to believe her. She certainly is no less a Republican than Paul Ryan or Mitt Romney.

  5. I love watching these RINOS (or anybody) pose a question so long and drawn-out that poor ol’ Joe (and myself for that matter) lost where it was going…..and going…and going…..

  6. Chickity China-
    > Any more appearances and she’ll need a screen actors gild membership card.<

    That’s exactly what she’s going for here.
    It’s the TikTok generation. They think they can be a star if they keep on being a “creator” of characters.
    She wants to be on TeeVee and bring in the big buck$.

  7. They won’t let anyone near Biden to ask a question unless they know they will follow the script. But this again breaks their narrative. I thought it was all the republicans that were stupid anti-vaxxers. But now they are asking questions about stopping misinformation. Just more psyops propaganda to push people to get their jabs. Who watches this crap anyway.

  8. If she is an R, then this is a perfect example of the difference between a conservative and a Republican.

    This should be illustrated whenever a RINO comes along.

    Fake “Conservatives” like Jen Rubin are just liars and a part of the left’s takeover of everything – in name only.

  9. Gee Wally, isn’t the fact that they choose the shortest, coldest month of the year to be Black History month proof of systemic, institutionalized racism?

    Naw Beave. They knew if they picked a month in the summertime there’d be wide-spread rioting!

  10. “She just oozes establishment Republican.”

    My first take is she’s a lefty. She may or may not know that.

    None of this id different from establishment R’s. I agree.

    I’m pointing out the psychological disconnect and wondering if she’s a liar or just stupid. Leaning toward stupid liar at the moment.

    Why not both? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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