Where is everyone on ZOOM???? – IOTW Report

Where is everyone on ZOOM????

It’s me Dan and Roger…


Join conversationSkype keeps the world talking. Call, message, and share whatever you want – for free.

24 Comments on Where is everyone on ZOOM????

  1. I’m sorry. Downloaded it. It asked for my phone number and Microsoft login in. This snooping stuff makes me uneasy. After my Facebook and Twitter experiences I will have to decline. No offense to you all.

    I’ve become very protective of my identity and internet presence.

    I don’t trust big tech. Period.

  2. I’m too tired but did check in a time or two ago.
    Whenever I’ve done Zoom I always just click access from your browser.
    Otherwise I don’t know what to do. FYI

  3. Took me three hours to figure out how this damned thing works, starting at around 3:00 PM today. This included some girl wanting to talk with me back in 2018 and another in 2020…What the hell? trying to get to the IOTWReport Skype meeting.

    On my last try, I actually got on board and it was great to actually see in person good old Americans during the time of the Wrecking Ball, Biden.

    Am going to have to find a microphone…DAMN IT!

    Not up on he latest Web site crap and also how not too advertise my Identity. Have to work on that before I try again tomorrow.

    Sorry about that.

  4. Also, this can be done on a computer connected to the Internet. I know because that was all I had when I finally connected.

    But, thanks for the invite. Just wish Skype would come with a set of directions and letting its users know that a simple CPU is the minimal, with (or without) a mic.

  5. I was concerned about giving my identity away, I’m actually a 10 year old girl, posting as a crusty 70 year old man.

    No Mr. Biden, I won’t give you my address.

  6. I’m and old fashioned guy who has become increasingly suspicious of stuff like zoom.

    Regional meetups at restaurants and bars work better for me. I’ll be the guy wearing my old mask as a speedo. I understand that you might not want to see that. My junk is so ridiculously enormous that it spills out of the Speedo.


    Just kidding.

    We’ve already had a couple of IOTWARRIORS meetups over a couple of years. Really good times.

  7. Rodger what did you use for the first online call?
    That worked great.
    I think that most of us want just one portal to jump into.
    We all have a very good reason to not leave a foot print on lots of sites.
    I have no problem joining in the call just pick one and stick with it.
    And yes I know it will not work for everyone,but that is the way it goes.


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