Where is Pope Francis in the wake of socialist mob assault on archbishop in Venezuela? – IOTW Report

Where is Pope Francis in the wake of socialist mob assault on archbishop in Venezuela?


American Thinker: Less than a week after 49 Egyptian Christians were massacred in two bombings in Alexandria and Tanta during Palm Sunday Mass, Venezuela’s socialist thugs stormed a Wednesday Holy Week mass, assaulting the presiding archbishop of Caracas and the church’s worshipers and trashing and looting the church.  The attack wasn’t on the same level as the terrorist bombing, but it signaled an emboldened and increasingly violent state, which may well have been drawing inspiration from the horror in Egypt.

As one wag on Lucianne.com put it, “Communism: the other religion of peace.”



The archbishop in question, Cardinal Jorge Urosa Sabino, was no ordinary archbishop.  For years he has blasted the horrors of Venezuela’s chavismo for leaving the poor more impoverished and hungry than ever, even as it purports to speak in the poor’s name.  He’s denounced dictatorship and warned of its ascent in the country.  Along with many archbishops, he’s tried to warn Pope Francis that materialistic communism is an unmitigated disaster for the country.

Incredibly, the Vatican response to this desecration of the Mass during the holiest week of the Christian calendar has been…silence.  MORE

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