Where is Woodward and Bernstein? – IOTW Report

Where is Woodward and Bernstein?

Prove me wrong…

10 Comments on Where is Woodward and Bernstein?

  1. God I;m the worlds worst speller and gramamation. BUT WHERE IS, is bugging the fuck out of me. Shouldn’t it be where are? Our am I even dumber than I thought.
    Pertaining to the article, it’s beyond the fix is in. It’s scripted.

  2. woodward & bernstein were never real reporters/journalists
    they never broke the watergate story, it was handed to them because they were the dipshits that were standing there when they needed dummies to blame shit on if things went awry

  3. They want Biden out. Hence, CBS news report. The media is the enemy of the people.
    I say keep Biden on the ticket, let Trump trounce him, overcome the cheat and Trump wins in a squeaker.
    Trump2024 or BUST!

  4. Journalism’s dead.
    Has been for a century, or more.
    Duranty got a Pulitzer for lying about Stalin’s genocides back in the 30s.
    It’s ALL propaganda; 24/7.
    O’Keefe, Solomon, Carlson, Robinson, and one or two others are all that remain of that once noble profession.

    Oh, well …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. And there was no such person as DEEP THROAT

    It was all a made up fiction
    Mark Felt got away with his imposture
    He needed his 15 minutes
    and Wood & Stein weren’t going to admit they lied.


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