Where It Started: Poroshenko and Biden as Phone Bros – IOTW Report

Where It Started: Poroshenko and Biden as Phone Bros

Midnight in the Laptop of Good and Evil:

I don’t pretend to know what really happened to Ukraine from 2013 to 2017 when it supposedly was being guided toward independence from Russia by the benevolent hands of the ObamaBiden White House and its deep state foreign policy apparatus.

I don’t think anyone on this planet really knows all that transpired.

Part of the reason is Russia. Part is oligarch-corrupt Ukraine. And part is filthy, greedy ObamaBiden administration and deep state.

None of those entities are trustworthy.

Best I can do is piece together evidence I find in the Biden Laptop with what I saw when I was with Joe Biden in Ukraine and what information about him that has been accurately reported. So here’s a general outline of what occurred between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko to get Ukraine into a disastrous war with Russia.

The Chocolate King

As of June 2014, Joe Biden’s newest world leader friend whose inauguration he attended, as I pointed out in my last Substack, was Petro Poroshenko. Known as the Chocolate King for having made his billions as a candy tycoon, Poroshenko promised to divest his company Roshen, which sold and manufactured products in Russia and dozens of other countries, upon his election.

But he never did.

Poroshenko lost his re-election bid in April 2019 to current Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who promised to rid Ukraine of corruption, such as that exhibited by Poroshenko’s reneging on his promise to divest his company. MORE

7 Comments on Where It Started: Poroshenko and Biden as Phone Bros

  1. Warhawk career politicians on expedition?
    If it looks like shit and it smells like shit, you can be sure it’s shit. Of course if you want to taste it to further assure yourself, you go ahead.


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