Where life is normal – IOTW Report

Where life is normal


eft-wing magazine Slate took the stunning and brave step Saturday of publishing an article outlining the case for no longer wearing masks outside.

‘As we’ve come to know more about the virus, as vaccinations are ramping up, and as we’re trying to figure out how to live with some level of COVID in a sustainable way, masking up outside when you’re at most briefly crossing paths with people is starting to feel barely understandable,’ the author reasoned.

Mask enthusiasts melted down in response, insisting that Slate‘s article was ‘irresponsible‘, ‘going to get people killed‘ and ‘misleading‘. Others celebrated the article as ‘a good sign of progress‘. A Harvard infectious disease specialist asserted, ‘I am generally a hawk about maintaining rules with a clear benefit. Outdoor masking has notable costs and really no evidence of benefits.’

Meanwhile, the rest of us normal people thought, ‘wait a second, you guys were still wearing masks outside?’

Yes, outside of the Twitter bubble and large city centers where mask virtue-signaling reigns supreme, no sane person has been wearing a mask outdoors for months. The science doesn’t support it. As Slate noted in its late-to-the-party piece, the chances of catching COVID during a brief moment passing someone else on the sidewalk are lower than getting struck by lightning.

more here

h/t PHenry

17 Comments on Where life is normal

  1. The Ozark Township Motherfuggers just lifted a mask mandate that most of us ignored.

    What difference did that make, you retards?

    Less than nothing. Less than nothing?

    I don’t know. I failed algebra III. Ehh, ehhh, ehh.

    Fucks sake. You renamed the flu.

  2. “… the chances of catching COVID during a brief moment passing someone else on the sidewalk are lower than getting struck by lightning.”

    “… the chances of catching COVID from someone else are lower than getting struck by lightning.”

    fixed it for ya

  3. The self appointed Royalty have proven they can rule through fear. And the MSM has promoted all the way.
    Venezuela turn into a $hithole in 2 years, people need to wake up.

  4. shit!!!! …………… Warning: Self-Edit

    “… the chances of dying from COVID are lower than getting struck by lightning.”

    sucks to keep posting edits … loses the effect of the original post, doncha know?

  5. Today, I shopped at Sam’s Club and very few people had masks on. Nobody says anything. Then, I went grocery shopping and only a couple had on masks along with the employees. Nobody said anything. Later, I went into a Subway and only the staff had masks. Masks are quickly fading away here.

  6. A white cop kills a black person in a justified shooting, it’s all over the news and uneducated irrational people think blacks are dying at the hands of cops by the hundreds of thousands every year.

    A mostly harmless virus kills a few frail people, it’s all over the news and the same people think catching the china virus equals certain death but a mask will save them. Many actually think the mask is the only reason they are alive today.

    Trump tells people to go home peacefully and he’s accused of inciting an insurrection.

    People walk in the people’s house and it’s worse than Pearl Harbor.

    Some actually believe Jotato was elected in a fair election.

    If there’s a flood or a hurricane or a hail storm people are lead to believe it was caused by actions of man living his life.

    A heartbeat in a womb is a meaningless clump of cells while microscopic bacteria on another planet is evidence of life.

    Men are women ..? WTF!

    This is what happens to a society that loses its way with God. Bring God into the subject and you’ll see none of these people believe in God, they’ll tell you God is not real and they believe in science, all the while their version of science is so far removed from reality; infact their reality isn’t reality at all let alone comprehending any science.

    It’s going to take a real disaster to get our country back on track, something so tremendously bad that forces ‘people of science’ on their knees to beg God for mercy. The china virus ain’t that, all it has done is make more whackos, clearly. Us mortal men have no chance telling know-it-alls anything that would resonate. My only effective contribution is to raise my children right.

    I’ve no concern what Godless people think. The reckoning is coming.

  7. People in Seattle have a much higher risk of being struck and killed by a vehicle as they jump out into the street when encountering another masked person coming down the sidewalk!

    It’s making me ill to see families out on a beautiful spring day with every one of them masked up — down to little Bobby, the toddler, and Suzy, the baby in the stroller.

    Even though I often wear dust masks and respirators for my work, I become very claustrophobic with one on otherwise. I have to keep checking my purse and pockets for where my phone and my keys are.

  8. People in ME wear masks in stores because General Mills has weaponized the entire state govt.
    I am going to wear my fake fake mask now.
    Dirty Dems voted down 14 bills yesterday that would limit a Governor’s power to do this dictatorial stuff.
    Mills plans on masks and limiting gatherings all summer.
    Time to completely disregard her.

    On another part of this:
    It’s mostly high school to 30 yr olds walking around with masks outside. Even when alone. Ugh.
    Hard to be hopeful about the future with so many young people behaving like sheep.

  9. “masking up outside when you’re at most briefly crossing paths with people is starting to feel barely understandable,’”

    Starting to? That was obvious when all this tyranny began.

    The left are slow slow dangerous animals.

    I gave a beggar some money yesterday just to have a little face time to tell him there is no point in him wearing his mask outside.

    His look of befuddlement said all I needed to know.

    Wish East Dallas was like Hambone’s area. I’m often the only unmasked Ranger in a store, but rarely get asked to wear one.

    Brad’s link is great – I doubt any of my lefty friends will bother to get that information in their heads.

    Someone said once so many are vaxxed they’ll be too ashamed to admit their stupidity when the truth is really known to them.

    I think my lefty friends’ stumbling block is about wanting to be right about theirs beliefs/indoctrination (like Orange Man Bad). MSM is their Oracle and no others shall come before them. Even the retired RN isn’t thinking about real science and health in all this – just whatever the MSM says. It’s crazy.

  10. Beachmom
    I’ve got an old paint respirator that I removed the filters from that I hold up over my nose when I go to the local deli.
    It’s all covered with black paint splotches and looks like a toxic waste dump.
    As soon as I sit down, I usually throw it on the floor.
    That really impresses the flatlandahs that are starting to roll in to North Maine for the summer.
    I’m hoping to be there when the bitch health inspector shows up and starts berating the staff for not enforcing the mask mandate, as she’s done numerous times before.
    Sparks will fly!

  11. I spent last weekend in a place where there was not a single “mask enthusiast” to be found. But driving back home from a weekend of no TV or internet, I was quickly reminded of the insanity of our “new reality”. There, in the left lane of a 75 mph highway, was a young man, alone, in his Tesla, driving 55 mph, wearing a face diaper, in his own little world, completely oblivious to the line of cars trying to go around his virtue-signaling ass.

  12. The only place we’ve had to wear masks is in WM, but they’re not tyrants about it.
    If you take it off once inside, nothing’s said.
    Restaurant & other local business staff wear them, but don’t require it of customers.
    God bless common sense; and Texas.

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