Where Not To Take Your Next Cruise – IOTW Report

Where Not To Take Your Next Cruise


Sure,  the climate is wonderful and the people are nice, but the murder rates are awful.


16 Comments on Where Not To Take Your Next Cruise

  1. Cruise ships won’t venture into any country where they will put their passengers in jeopardy. Cruise ships have stopped going to Acapulco a few years ago due to the violence. For a while, ships wouldn’t stop in Mazatlan and Puerto Vallarta was questionable. Princess is now going back to Matzalan and Puerto Vallarta, it really hurt the Mexican people in those ports. It might be difficult for these cruise lines to fill their cabins – so might get a cheap cruise, just don’t get off the ship.

  2. The Rat Fink June 10, 2017 at 2:34 pm

    Aw geez, sumbody flushed the waste tank!
    Who wants to go swimming with that raw shit floatin around in there!


    A cruise is no worse than a hotel resort, in some cases worse. Even hotel rooms can be a nasty place to lay your head. Resorts in foreign countries aren’t inspected like cruise ships are here in the US. I’d take a cruise any day over staying at an all-inclusive resort. Went to Alaska on a 10-day cruise recently, it was beautiful!

  3. Cruise ships seem like torture to me regardless of the destination. I don’t like people enough to put up with that many in a confined space. I’d much rather be along side a river in the middle of nowhere.

  4. Goldenfoxx – I agree.
    I was referring to the picture of Revrum Wright’s “God-Damn America”-hating, incompetent, partying, vindictive, arrogant, stumbling, sarcastic, narcissistic, mumbling Marxist Muzlim Mallard floating in a life ring, that with any luck, is not tethered to anything!

  5. There isn’t enough room in the bilge for the free liquor required to entice me to go on a ‘cruise’.
    I’m with Joe, as the only member of my misanthropic club, we enjoy our own company, thank you very much.
    The wife, the dog, a nice fire, no other people and a warm gun, now that’s a good time.

  6. Tipsy!

    If you like thirteen degrees north hot and eighty percent humidity (Panama), then it’s not bad. You would not believe how much good food
    is out here. We’ve recently discovered a Salvadorian food cafe, a Louisiana food cafe, AND a southern Mexico food cafe. In Guam, YGBSM.
    We don’t have enough time to visit all the good food places. 🙁
    They are upping the cruise lines that stop here, but I would not think
    it’s worth it, they are all only one day stops. Guam is all great food.

  7. Im waiting for the day that an entire cruise ship is stormed by the savages while out at sea and all 5000 passengers are taken hostage and then begin getting executed ala Leon Klinghoffer.

    There is zero safety or protection. There isnt a single gun on a ship in the hands of a good guy. Its coming and nobody has a clue…. sad. I wouldnt go on a cruise ship under any circumstances. The multi billion dollar world wide industry will be decimated overnight the day the muzlime filth hijack a cruise ship. Wait….

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