Where’s a Rent-a-Cop with a Taser When You Need One? – IOTW Report

Where’s a Rent-a-Cop with a Taser When You Need One?

23 Comments on Where’s a Rent-a-Cop with a Taser When You Need One?

  1. Like to see that dirtbag and Tedrous
    on the noose…; for real Y’all.
    The damage to this WORLD those 2 cost in
    $$$ & human suffering must be in the 100’s of BILLIONS.
    Because of economic slow down 10k children died
    every month of starvation because their parents
    could not work.

  2. …you know, there’s a metaphor in there somewhere, where the Black fat guy us doing all the muscle work of the liberal skinhead under color of authority against the Middle American traditional mother while a crowd of sheep look on and do nothing but video.

    And you’ll notice that Purple Skinhead doesn’t even help his porcine enforcer AT ALL during the whole altercation, standing there only to ensure his will, legal or not, is enforced…

    …and the juxtaposition that BFH has of Fauci as an apparent onlooker from the stands appearing to gloatingly observe the enforcement of the very mask order he, himself, is blatantly ignoring along with HIS family makes it metaphor alert indeed…

  3. Was that a rent a cop? That’s always been my impression even though everyone was reporting that moron as a cop. If that was a rent a cop why weren’t these woman’s friends beating his ass. Frustrating

  4. Wu what Flu? WuFlu WuFlu? Wu what Flu? WuFlu WuFlu? Wu what Flu? WuFlu WuFlu? Wu what Flu WuFlu WuFlu? Went outside one day and a cop shouted over to me. He said, You can’t go home right now ’cause you didn’t cover today….

  5. Brad
    SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 AT 10:25 PM
    “Was that a rent a cop? ”

    …Dude was wearing a shirt that said POLICE on it that would be illegal impersonation in most places if he wasn’t actually a sworn officer, but he’s Black, and the rules are different for Black people as we saw first hand in Cincinnati when they had a Black guy dress up like a Police Chief every day, badge and everything, even though he was NEVER legally a Police Officer in Ohio but was excused because, Black, so there’s that…

    …FWIW, I suspect dude WAS a Police Officer from a recruiting class that dropped its standards to get more Black recruits through, and was there doing this as an off-duty gig, which is not unusual for police officers to do anywhere, and most cities will let them wear their uniforms and use official vehicles as long as they get a cut. Plus, he still has police powers whether on-duty or off, and schools like that because it takes the liability off them. He could also be the schools Resource Officer too, but it’s still an off-duty gig if so, so either way he IS technically a Rent-A-Cop whether he’s an ACTUAL cop or not.

  6. ..but he could just be an overzealous security guard too who’s just into Police fashions. I’ve known a few Mall Marines over the years who were frustrated Cop wannabes, and sonetimes they apparently got some over-the-top training, like the time I saw one go toe-to-toe with one of our REAL police officers in a fight over mall scene control where he was yelling “I’M A POLICE OFFICER AND THIS IS MY JURISDICTION!!!”, thus prompting the REAL Police Officer to demostrate a REAL Police control hold, then shove him in a REAL Police car for a ride to a REAL jail cell…

  7. …but many years ago, when Sears was still very profitable and I was working there, they hired actual off-duty Police Officers for THEIR security, but did have them in plain clothes so they could sneak up on shoplifters and the like. I know they were real cops because they were good at sleeping in front of banks of security monitors, which only a REAL cop doing a double could do that well, and also because they actually arrested people without themselves having to go to jail for it.

    Once the company changed to the guy that’s running it now, got bought by K-Mart, and moved out of the Sears Tower to their Hoffman Estates cult compound, though, they couldn’t afford real police any more and went to teenage girls instead, and that went as well as you’d think it would. Also, the shoplifters got darker and more mouthy as the company got more cowardly, so basically they were only detaining White people who shoplifted towards the end, which was only a small subset of ALL shoplifters including the minority employees who stole from the company, so that DEFINITELY didn’t help reduce their shrinkage and probably contributed well to their completely exiting the market on their slide towards bankruptcy, but that’s a different story for another day…

  8. Cop.

    Security could only make a “Citizen’s Arrest” and hand it off to the real thing. Plus not supposed to ever put hands on in that situation and use the bracelets. Have armed rent-a-cops, but not seen them with tasers.

  9. Brad SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 AT 11:20 PM
    No way that fat pig is meeting the physical requirements to qualify as a snail.”

    ..not sure how it works where you are in Cali, but in OH they seemingly dropped all the physical fitness requirements a LONG time ago, so seeing Rerun huff and puff his way down a flight of steps while the bad guy disappears into the night is not an odd thing at all…


  10. California qualifications, pistol qualification is normally 45 round at 15 yards, every 6 months a mile run in under 8 minutes. That varies from department to department, but that fat bastard would die inside 3 minutes.

  11. The number one attribute/skill most prized and essential for all police officers is good judgment. Normally in the hiring phase, the absence or presence of this skill is determined by an exhaustive background check; life lessons learned, was he ever in a position of leadership and responsibility, dealing with people, and dealing with problems on the fly.

    Once hired, other skills are valued, like weighing risk/reward (is it better to just walk away and deal with the situation at a later time, he knew who she was, send her a citation in the mail) and that there is more than one way to get the job done.

    This “cop” did so many things wrong, it’s ridiculous. And what happened to physical standards? Even older cops need to stay in shape, their very lives depend on it.

  12. Dr. Atlas was asked about this and about people at Trump rallies no wearing masks.
    He basically said the WH recommends masks but we’re mature people who can make our own decisions. He said we aren’t China. He was appalled at someone being arrested over not wearing a mask.
    Hopefully he tells POTUS about this stuff.

  13. We had a black TPD officer living across the street from us. He was night shift. Riding around in squad car all night, eating at all night donut 🍩 shops, and sleeping all day takes its toll. He was fatter than the guy in these pictures.


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