Where’s My Rebate? – IOTW Report

Where’s My Rebate?

16 Comments on Where’s My Rebate?

  1. Rebate?

    This smells just like the “rebate” we got when baby-bush gave it to us…. it was all smiles and high-fives that the grubbermint actually GAVE us some money….. until it came time to file your taxes!!!!!

    That’s when you found out the hard way that the “rebate” you got (from YOUR money paid into taxes already) was considered “income” by the federal grubbermint so therefore Y-O-U owed taxes on it and for most people like me it meant you not only got bumped into the next higher tax bracket, but you got penalized in many other ways for the grubbermint “giving” you your own money back.

    I will believe it when I see it, but until then I will keep a gimlet-eye upon the VERY small print to see if this “windfall” of $2000 per legal citizen is just another trap ready to pork you come next years tax-filing-time when you have to pay back everything the grubbermint gave to you for “free”.

  2. the “SkooTax has been significantly higher than my property taxes for the last 4 years

    and remember skoo’s get more of your money if your kids are on meds

  3. 1st rule of the con: NEVER give the money back.

    Remember when gasoline prices started falling? The States wanted to raise the gasoline tax (I think they did in VA and some other states) – even though they were getting more money from the increase in sales! Fukkin maggots.

    And this proposed “largess” by the FedGov ($1.75 to $2 Trillion) is gonna have to be “repaid” as well. There will be wailing, rending of garments, and gnashing of teeth – I guarantee it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. On a similar note – the story of Joseph in Egypt: Seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine – remember that?
    Joseph convinced Pharaoh to confiscate 20% of the grain grown in Egypt for 7 years – and then when the famine struck, he sold it BACK to those from whom it was confiscated! Yeah, and by the 6th year of the famine the People of Egypt sold themselves into slavery to the Pharaoh to stave off starvation. They traded their land, their children, and their very bodies to purchase the grain that had been taken from them in the first place.

    People haven’t changed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Ask any public school parent how long it is taking for their student to complete his daily assignments at home and you will see its about 1.5 to 2 hours. I will not argue whether this work is of any value, but what are they doing in school for the rest of the day. My local district taxes over $34000 per student in a town whose median family income is $60K. Time to close down the corrupt worthless perverted public school system which is nothing more than bad daycare.

  6. “I never let my schooling interfere with my education.”

    “Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.”

    “All schools, all colleges, have two great functions: to confer, and to conceal valuable knowledge.”

    “God made the Idiot for practice, and then He made the School Board.”


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